New Born Pups

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60 days have come and gone, Natalie was due any day now and Tech wanted nothing more than to be by her side everyday but unfortunately duty calls. Tech was at HQ gathering information on their new criminal. After a few hours of returning from the mission, Tech was about to head back to his room to take a nap until Lexi stopped him.

"What is it?"

He asked tiredly.

"I hear some howling and commotion"

Lexi said as her ears picked up sounds. Ace was already on his feet.

"Alright then let's check it out"

As the loonatics headed outside they saw a crowd gathering in a circle. Ace immediately stepped in when he notice two coyotes growling at the people.

"Uh Tech, you might want to talk sense into them"

Ace said as he pushed the people away from the growling coyotes. Tech narrowed his eyes and walked up to them, in which they quickly at Tech and started barking. Tech listen to his translator.

"Lord Tech, its Lady Natalie. Its time for her to deliver, she send us out her to find you"

One coyote said in a rush but Tech heard him loud and clear and it click. He looked to Ace.

"I have to go its time!"

He said in a rush.

"Congrats Tech and tell Natalie I said congrats too!"

Ace yelled over the crowd

"Yeah and don't forget I'm now in vacation!"

"Yeah have fun"

Ace said. Tech nodded as he led the coyotes to his ship and then together they flew out to the desert home. As they finally landed, Tech quickly ran to Natalie's room panting hard but immediately stopped breathing for a second as he saw Natalie laying down on the side, panting, sweating with her tongue hanging out with her eyes closed. He quickly went to her side and rubbed her large stomach.

"Hey its okay, I'm here"

Natalie opened her eyes and smiled slightly.

"They found you fast"

She said before closing her eyes and let out a groan from pain.

"(pant) Tech I-Im (pant) scared"

She said breathless. Tech leaned his head next to hers.

"Its okay I'll be here every step of the way"

Natalie nodded and let out a whine as well as another groan. Tech hate to see her in pain but the best thing he can do is wait with her. Three hours later the pups began to arrive one by one until finally 6 babies were snuggled up close to their mother shaking and yelping. Tech smiled as he took notice of all his pups, he gently grabbed a baby blanket wrapping them up. Natalie was already sound asleep with a smile on her face, Tech stood by her side and continued to wait.

*5hrs Later*

Natalie finally woke up and was very hungry, but then she quickly remembered she gave birth to her pups. She happily looked down and nuzzle each one, her ears perked up when she heard the door open, she immediately look and smiled as she saw her husband bringing her a plate of food.

"Hey you sure did sleep for a long while"

"Hahaha well they did took a lot of energy from me. So what did you bring because I am starving"

Tech chuckled and handed Natalie the plate but she slightly frown as she look on the plate and Tech took notice on the look.

"What's wrong?"

"Its nothing its just..."

"I thought these were your favorite"

"They are...I mean well.."

Tech looked at Natalie confused.

"I kind of found out that I like....meat"

Natalie said lowly, Tech nodded in understanding.

"But hey I still like fruits and salad"

"Hahaha its okay sweetheart you don't have to explain the craving change your eating habit. I could only guess that your now a omnivore."

Natalie smiled at his understanding. She happily ate the food while Tech went to go gets some cooked fresh meat and bring it back for her to eat. After a while of talking they were interrupted with a small whimpering sound and small movements from underneath the blanket. Tech removed it and came face to face with a small blind pup. Natalie smiled and looked at Tech.

"You know we still haven't named them yet?"

Tech looked at Natalie uncertainty in his eyes.

"I-I don't know Natalie, I think this is more of a women's thing naming a child"

Natalie playfully glared at him.

"There are 6 pups Tech, you can at least name 3. I'm sure they will be good"

"Okay okay okay."

Tech looked at the sleeping pups.

"There are 2 girls and 4 boys. How about Sage for the girl, Alex and Spike for the boys"

"I like it. Now it's my turn for the other two boys its gonna be Dust, as for the other smallest one how about your descendant Wile"

Tech looked at Natalie in surprise and happily smiled.

"And for the girl?"



"No hahaha Honey. Let's name her Honey"


Natalie happily squealed in delight.

"Okay so we have Sage, Honey, Alex, Spike, Dust and Wile"

"Yeah our small little family. Thank you Natalie for giving me this gift"

Tech said as he gave Natalie a loving kiss in which she happily return.

"Well I couldn't have done it without you"

She said after pulling away from the kiss. She then let out a yawn, Tech chuckled.

"Let me guess you want to go to sleep?"

"Well it is night time, come on hop into bed with me"

Tech nodded and turn off the light and got into bed with the pups in between them. He gently leaned down and kissed the top of the pups heads one by one. Natalie smiled and kissed Tech on his cheek before getting more comfortable.

"Goodnight Tech"

"Goodnight Natalie"

"Goodnight pups"

Tech and Natalie said together. As they fell asleep into the peaceful night with the pups snuggle up into their warmth of their blanket and their parents.

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