Chapter 2: No Turning Back

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     We were on the road again heading back to Hammerhead. We were supposed to meet the Marshall there. A small part of me was excited but there was also a sense of dread. I looked at Noctis who had pain littered all over his face. I also was beyond mad, what the Empire did was beyond cruel, it was pure evil. I barely listened  the conversation the boy's were having as my mind was completely filled with darker thoughts. I glances at Prompto for a moment feeling sorry for him. I knew, but I couldn't let him know. I couldn't let him know...
    We arrived at Hammerhead with a sombre tone as Cidny navigated us to the garage were Cid was. I stayed back, my heart not to eager to hear the truth of the situation.
"So," Cidny asked in an attempt to ease the tension, "You're a girl, which one of those four are your favorite?"
"What?!" It was more of shock as I didn't expect her to ask that question so early, " if I had to say, it would be Gladio, he's centered and can keep anyone focused on the task at hand, sometimes,"
She laughed, "no I mean, who is your 'favorite'?"
"Oh, I don't know how to answer that question,"
She gave me a knowing look but before she could reply, she was interrupted by Ignis,
"My apologies, Ronnie but we'll be off soon,"
A moody Noctis made me say a quick goodbye and once again I was bundled between the Prince and Gladio.
      We were off to the Prairie Outpost to meet up with the Marshall. I stepped out to sunshine thankfull that the rain stopped. A fellow Crowns Guard was there and told us that the Marshall was waiting at a nearby Royal Tomb and so began the tiring walk to the tomb. My mood lightened up as the sun was rather nice and I had a pleasing view of Gladio's ass.
"So the Marshall raised you?" Prompto asked.
I nodded, "Yeah, why?"
"That explains why you are so badass!"
I laughed as I recalled the tense training I was under when I was with Cor, "I guess I am,"
We arrived at the first royal tomb after defending ourselves from a flock of daggerquils to find Cor inside.  Part of me wanted to hug him and the other part stood in silence.  I was glad that he was alive, but knowing home, he was never one for affection.
        "The journey ahead is one of great danger," Cor told Noctis, "the royal arms as you see before you are power passed on from the King's before you."
"Why didn't my father tell me any of this. Why did he stand there, smiling as I left!"
I felt the pain behind Noctis' words that triggered a memory I tried to forget. I understoodwhat he was feeling, a feeling that the fate of the world is on his shoulders. I knew that too well.
"In the last moments he had with you he wanted you to remember him as your father, not as king,"
Noctis rolled his eyes as he stretched his palm out to receive the first of many royal arms.
      After the short ritual was complete, Cor told us of another tomb that was nearby. On the way out Gladio slipped his hand into mine and leaned down to ask me a question.
"Are you okay? I saw how your behaviour changes when you get Cor,"
I blushed did to this closeness, "Nah, it's was just relieving to see him alive and well, and he's not one for hugs,"
Gladio nodded and we continued walking hand in hand. I was kind of nice, to be in the presence of such a huge softy.
      I barely had time to fully enjoy his company when a pack of wild sabertusks attacked.
"Time to assess his well you hold out on your own here," Cor told Noctis.
I stood back and let the men handle it rocking on my heels. Before long they're finished with the help of Cor.
"Guess I'm no longer needed with Cor around."
Gladio chuckled, "What makes you think so Hun."
"Look how quickly you guys took care of four saber tusks,"
We continued the short walk to the abandoned mine in silence. I watched Cor from afar. He still had that stoic facial expression known to him, he didn't even smile when he saw me. He may have not been the best at showing love but he was all I had whenever I was younger. I'm still reeling in shock that now he decided to bring me out of hiding.
"So this is where I must leave you guys, I'm gonna keep an eye on the Nifs back there," Cor said.
I frowned, this was expected honestly, " Hey if we get lost in there I'm blaming you," I retorted.
Cor just waved goodbye and left.
I turned to inspect the entrance of the cave. There were crates everywhere.
"Hey Iggy, does this look like a refugee camp from the old war?" I asked the bespectacled man. He nodded. A quick glance at Promoto made me laugh.
"Hey Ronnie, can I stay with you?" Promoto asked running over and looping his hand in mine, "don't you think there's ghosts here?"
"Reapers and Wraiths exist, not ghosts," I replied trying to comfort him, "but you can stick around,"
I willed a flame to appear in the hand that wasn't claimed by Promoto as we walked through the dark cave.
"Look at those Cables, I wonder where it leads?" Gladio said.
I looked for conformation from the prince who nodded. We kept walking straight ahead looking out for bottles and sealed up passage ways until we came up to a double metal door.
Noctis walked up to it and prepared to push it.
"Wait, on the count of three," Promoto who had finally released me said.
"One, two, three," Noctis tried pulling the door open to no avail.
We walked for miles below the ground. If was just as tedious when we were looking for the Mutant Dual Horn, just without the heat of the sun.
After a few more minutes of looking around and slamming gates we came across another door that opened easily this time but to a Daemon. I summoned my short sword that ignited. I don't know about them too well but I don't think any of the Prince's Retainers had ever faced a Daemon before. With my help for once , there were able to kill the daemon shortly.
"Take my stupid advice but I suggest to try and avoid daemons as much as possible,"
"Why should they be?" Ignis asked, he seemed genuinely intrigued as well as the others.
"Okay, remember that nursery rhymes, o'er rotted soil, under blighted skies, a dreaded plague the wicked hath wrought,"
They nodded, "see when we killed the daemon it turned to particles that floated up, it just really bothered me,"
Ignis smiled, "I understand, besides I believe we should trust your judgement, you are from Solheim after all,"
Gladio' jaw dropped, "Solheim as the dead kingdom Solheim?"
Oh Shit, Ignis was blushing with embarrassment as it wasn't like him to reveal information he wasn't supposed to do.
"Yeah, that's a story for another time, let's just find the tomb and get out of here and at a motel or something I'll tell you guys everything,"
Promoto looked at me as though he felt let pity for me. Gladio had a permanent mad face on. Noctis just shrugged it off and started searching the scorched rocks for a way out.
"Guys over here," Noctis said pointing to a small hole to crawl through.
The hole was tight and I secretly wondered how Gladio fit through. I frowned. Right now I shouldn't have thought of them. My mom was right I deserved nothing. I always caused some sort of trouble. I stood back as Noctis went ahead to receive the weapon. Fun times, I was sinking into depression because of what I thought Gladio thought of me, he probably thought I was some lying tramp.
Noctis took my hand in his and Ignis took the other.
"What are you guys doing?" I asked.
"Teleporting,". Noctis said, "I saw the entrance, I can get us there in a jiffy,''
Promoto and Gladio joined hands in a sort of circle. A flash of blue light and everyone was out. It was night. We were in there for a long time. I walked ahead to the Outpost. I really didn't want to be around them right now. When we arrived I went up to the car and opened the trunk searching for my travel bag. Promoto came up behind me, " the others went to look for Monica to figure out where's Cor,"
I rummaged in my bag until I found a can of Ebony, "yeah okay, you go on without me okay,"
Promoto gave me a worried look, " are you sure you are okay?"
"Yeah I'm fi-"
Everything went black.

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