Start from the beginning

'When are you coming home?' He had sent her. 

'I'm busy tonight, won't be until later.' She answered about a few minutes later. The tone of the text message seemed to be cold. 

He didn't want to think about what was keeping Eleanor from coming home until later though. Roman didn't want to think about Evelina too much, either. The Italian felt the need to get out of the house and spend some time with people who would take his mind off of these things. 

After sending out a few texts, he got up from the chair in his office and grabbed his car keys, heading out. 

He drove fifteen minutes to his and his friend's go-to meeting place. It was a bar that had not only good beer but also killer food. Roman was happy to get to spend some time with his friends outside of the office. 

Walking into the place, he spotted his friends already sat in a booth in the back corner of the bar. With a smile, he walked up to them and took a seat. 

"Hey, man!" Lachlan said with a big smile on his face. 

"Hey, guys." Roman smiled back, he wanted to try and get out of his own thoughts tonight. 

"Roman, why'd you flake on work today?" Marco said. "You left me alone in that meeting with that one guy who smells bad and spits everytime he talks!" 

"Oh, shit. That was today?" He laughed. "Sorry about that, I worked from home today because I uh wasn't feeling well earlier." 

"You still shouldn't have left me! But I was able to make him agree to that business deal." Marco said, proud of himself. 

"See? I knew you could do it!" Roman said to Marco as if he were a little kid that learned to tie his own shoe. Marco pouted at that and mumbled a fuck you

The three of them laughed and ordered a couple beers, not enough to get drunk though, and food. They talked about whatever it was they felt like talking about and laughed together, Roman had completely forgotten about what was stressing him out. 

After they had finished eating and their beers were almost empty, the evening started to wind down. "I need to be getting home soon, Sofia wants to spend some time together tonight," Lachlan said, beginning to gather his stuff together. "I'll see you two at work tomorrow, yeah?" He asked getting up from the booth. 

"Yeah, see you then, man," Roman said. 

"Bye, tell Sofia I love her." That came from Marco, to which he just received a glare back from Lachlan before he left the bar. 

"I guess I need to head home, too," Marco said before saying his goodbyes to Roman. He left, then Roman got up and walked out of the bar, too. 

"Shit," Roman said, realizing that they forgot to leave a tip at their table. He turned back around towards the bar so he could quickly run in and leave one. 

But something stopped him right when he was about to go in. From the window, he could see his wife and Clark. They had just sat down and were holding hands at the table, the two were smiling at each other like it was only them in the world. That's how Eleanor used to look at Roman, and him with her. It was like the wind had gotten knocked out of his body all of a sudden. 

Knowing they were sneaking around together was one thing, but actually seeing it himself was a way different thing. Roman was at a loss for words, his chest felt tight and he felt like he couldn't breathe. 

He turned back around, hastily walking towards his car. Roman's mind was scrambled, but he knew what he was about to do. He sped out of the parking lot, on his way back to his house. Roman knew that things were about to change. At this point though, all he could say was fuck it. 

When he had made it into his driveway, Roman sent a quick text before going inside. He waited anxiously in his living room, pacing back and forth. About ten minutes later, he heard the doorbell ring. Roman made quick strides to the front door before swinging it open. 

"Hey, I got your message. What did you need to talk about?" Evelina said confused. Instead of answering her though, he pulled her into the house and smashed his lips against hers for the second time. He had some pent up aggression that needed to be released. 

"What's wrong?" Evelina frowned once they pulled away from each other. 

"You said you wanted to be here to comfort me, so comfort me." Was all he said before kissing her again. Roman wasn't thinking straight at that moment, he was just focused on getting his anger out. He had turned animalistic

This was also the moment where he realized that Evelina was the answer. She would be the thing that filled the empty space in him that his wife once filled. It was like the thick aura of confusion that had been growing between the two had been cleared finally and it was now obvious lust between them. 

author's note: also check out my other novel Hungry Eyes :) 

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