Fell from the sky - Chapter 8

Começar do início

I nodded, looking around at the scenery. It was quite beautiful up here, the breeze cooling my face. Everything was quiet and we thought that the boys weren't that close to us, up until my blood froze.

Three wolves, pitch black came sauntering through the trees – looking as if they were about to kill anything that came in their way. The front one was a tad bigger than the others but still, they were all about the size of a small car.

I looked over at Kira, she biting her lip and keeping her breathing shallow. Lacy turned her head to me, placing her pointing finger on her lips.


Liam's POV

The scent stops here

I said, looking around the trees. Stupid girls... stupid troublesome, annoying girls.

Then they should be here

Mason said, his anger vibrating through him: When I find them, I swear...

What's that?

Chris moved to something by the base of a tree, a small little card which made me smile. There, sitting by the base of a tree was the picture that brought happiness to my heart. Our baby, and her doom.

Looking up, I saw three sets of eyes staring down at us – all of them wide and glassy with tears. Mason walked towards me, looking up and growls coming from the base of his throat. On my left side stood Chris, him barking smugly.


I instructed, feeling my bones started to crack. If it was possible, the eyes grew wider, Kira quickly to cover her gaze with her hands. I grabbed the pair of shorts from my ankle, quickly putting it on. I didn't feel like climbing a tree naked.

"Come down now!" I shouted, my eyes peering at Hayley.

The girl shook her head, making my annoyance grow.

"Hey love!" Chris yelled, moving towards Kira's tree, "Mind coming down or do I have to come up?"

Mason didn't even say anything and simply started to climb Lacy's tree, the poor girl looking around for a way to escape. Kira let out a whimper which only made Chris chuckle. He started climbing and I folded my arms, still peering up at Hayley.

"If I reach you and you haven't moved, you are screwed" I snapped, finally placing my hands on the bark of the tree.

In the corner of my eye I spotted Lacy trying to climb higher, her braced arm shaking and she wincing every few seconds. But she was no match for Mason who grabbed onto her ankle before she could go onto another branch.

"No!!!" she screamed, her voice making me wince as well. There was no bravery in that scream, just pure fear. Mason pushed himself up further, his one hand still around her ankle up until he was able to grab her around the waist, pulling her towards him. She tried to push him off, stupidly I might add. If he would let her go, she'd fall.

Yet, I think she knew that and still persisted.

"Stop it!" Mason said, holding onto her tighter.

"No! Let me go!" I think Chris had also stopped climbing by now, watching the scene play on.

"If I let you go, you fall!" Mason shouted, his free hand enveloping the girl's fists.

"I don't care!" she screamed, kicking at air.

Mason sighed, rolling his eyes, "I am NOT letting you fall, got that?" he said, his voice (and I might add, he has never used this tone in his lift) warm and calming. Lacy stopped kicking and looked over at the boy, tears still streaming down her face.

HailstormOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora