Summer (after Amy's first year)

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Opening my door to my apartment. Aww no more classes. No more finals. Just me, Amy, and John together for the summer and work. Survived another year. Halfway to the end. Nap time, pick up John in a few hours. Amy wouldn't be here 'til Friday. KNOCK... KNOCK... opened the door, "A... Amy, what are you doing here? I thought you weren't going to be here 'til tomorrow"
"I wanted to surprise you."
"You got that right."
"You expecting somebody"
"yeah, you in my dreams not at my door"
"Isn't the real thing better than the dream?"
I was checking her out from head to toe, "you wearing that dress, most defiantly, except in my dream you're wearing less."

She smirked at me "you going to let me in?" I slid over a little to let her in. Standing in front of the couch, "you said I'm wearing less, right? Like this much less?" she slid off her dress and gave me a little wink. Well taking a little nap isn't going to happen.
"Amy, I am exhausted." She walked over to me and started kissing my neck. I slipped my arms around her waist. I started kissing her neck as she slipped my shirt off. KNOCK... KNOCK.... She whispered, "I thought you weren't expecting anybody?"
"I'm not, I swear." I yelled "who is it?"
"It's me Ben."

Amy slid behind the door as I opened the door. "ARG, what do you want? I am EXHAUSTED! I just finished a really long final. I need to pick up John in a few hours then I have to pick up Amy in the morning."
"Can we talk about Amy?"
"NO, my couch is calling my name" slamming the door shut.

Amy wrapping her arms around my waist "now where were we" kissing my neck again. I scooped her up, wrapping her legs around my waist, bringing her back to the couch. Kissing her sweet lips then her neck as I placed her on the couch. I took on off my pants and boxers, and slid inside of her. I miss her gentle touch. This is much better than my dream of her. I don't want to let her go.

Afterwards, we got into the car to pick up John from day care. I opened the door to the school and Amy walked in first. The girls were so excited to see Amy again. As Amy and the girls were talking I went to pick up John.

I walked into the room. "Hi daddy, mommy coming tomorrow, YEAH" he yelled with excitement. I grabbed his things and he grabbed my hand. We walked out of the room, and he saw Amy talking to the girls. He let my hand go and ran too her. "mommy, mommy, you're here."
"Hi John" as he ran into her arms.
"You came early."
"Well, I missed you. I wanted to surprise you."
"I missed you too."
"let's go home sweetheart." She said her good-byes to the girls. She picked him up, took my hand, and we walked out the door.

We got home. She made dinner for all of us. I laid down on the couch. "You going to eat?" she asked. "Save me some I'll eat later" as I rolled over to my side facing the couch. John and Amy ate dinner. Still rolling over to my stomach this time. Is there any comfy spot on this couch? John got in his pajamas and Amy threw a robe over her bra and underwear as we heard a KNOCK... Amy opened it. "What are following me or something?"
"NO... wait is Ricky home?"
"He's sleeping" as she moved to her side for him to see me. I rolled back over to my side facing the door.
"Then can we talk Amy?" I was peaking. I watched him slide his hand into her robe.
"I don't want to talk to you Ben" wiggling away from Ben and closing up her robe.
"But Amy I want us to be friends again."
"I need to give my son a bath and get him to bed. Bye Ben" as she closed the door on him.

Folding her arms and staring directly at me, "Your friend needs to talk to you." As she walked away, I walked over to the door and opened it. "You want Amy back right? Suggestion don't touch her and try leaving her alone longer than 5 seconds." And I closed the door on him. Amy came back out after putting John to bed. "Sometime I really don't want to go back because he's going to be there."
"I know sweetheart. Sometimes I don't want you to go back too."

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