The true master mind

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Perseus walked towards Blake, readying her blades. She lunged forward, stabbing her left katana towards her former friend. Blake immediately unsheathed Gambol Shroud, blocking Perseus' first attack. Blake sent a kick at the soldier, pushing her back. The wind knocked the dark hood down, revealing her hair, which had been dyed completely black long ago.

Yang and Weiss rushed in from either side, weapons at ready. Perseus flipped over their attacks, and they slammed into one another. Yang took a small stab wound from Myrtenaster, brushing it off as her Aura healed it quickly. Weiss however, was sent flying after receiving a shotgun enhanced punch from Ember Celica. She struggled to get back on her feet, a large red mark on the side of her face. Weiss was gritting her bloodied teeth while she glared at Perseus.

"Does anyone want to know what Nikos told me before she died?" Perseus asked.

"You mean before you killed her?" Blake shouted indignantly.

"She told me why she and Weiss here did what their little deed." Perseus smugly said, ignoring Blake's comment. Before she could continue on, Weiss used her Dust to send a column of jagged ice at her, the entirety of which, she dodged.

"She's lying!" The heiress screamed defiantly.

Yang gripped Weiss' shoulder tighter than she had ever gripped anything before, a surprisingly stern expression, looking foreign on the blonde's face, not giving anything of what she was thinking away.

"I want to hear this before I go with the wrong side." She said in a borderline cold voice. Weiss looked at her with a look of betrayal.

"Say it!" Yang told Perseus. "Before I change my mind."

"Nikos told me that Mr. Schnee threatened to kill her if she didn't. I want to know why. I just want to interrogate Schnee. I've done it before. Last time she gave me names. Now I want motives and locations." Perseus said bluntly.

"I don't trust her." Blake said, starting to stalk towards Perseus.

"You don't have to; I have everything I need." Perseus said, leaping into the air, the sun blinding her former teammates briefly. The sun was setting behind her, creating a sky of warm hues. A stark contrast to the cold silver eyes that stared down at WBY.

Perseus touched down in a bullhead nearby. It had been hovering above Beacon grounds silently, hiding behind some the many stone arches of the school.

"Hold your fire." Perseus barked to Nora, who was sitting on the turret. A shockingly cold expression was on her face, mirroring Perseus. Jaune was laid out on the bench, still unconscious from his encounter with Glynda. Perseus climbed into the cockpit, sitting down beside Ren.

"I don't know why Jaune trusts you so much." He said, breaking the silence, "But I trust him and his judgement."

"Do you wish to know why he trusts me?" Perseus asked, staring at him. Ren glanced over at her.

"What?" He asked. Her mask retracted back into her neckpiece. Her silver eyes stared at Ren, and her familiar face was on display.

"Oh, wow." Nora said, peeking into the cockpit.

"Why am I not surprised?" Ren asked, calm as ever, grinning slightly. "Welcome back to the land of the living, Ruby." Ruby chuckled at his joke, rolling her eyes.

"How's Jaune?" She asked in her real voice.

"Professor Goodwitch beat the hell out of him, but he'll be fine." Ren said, his face going back to its normal, stoic look. After a few moments of silence, he asked, "Where to, now?"

Ruby pulled out Weiss' scroll. She had nabbed it when Weiss was distracted, using her suit's shadow clone ability. Her clone had been the one talking, while she had snatched the device. Having a clone talk was easier than having them stealthily steal something from an antsy Schnee. She pulled up Weiss' contacts and began to type to the heiress' father.

"Father, I've been named the prime suspect in the murder of Ruby Rose. I would like our help to work this out." She sent. He immediately answered.

"Now you need my help, insufferable girl?"

"Yes. Please. We can work out our problems after this has blown over."

"Very well then. Meet me in my office tomorrow morning."

"Yes, Father."

Ruby pocketed the communication device, and turned to Ren.

"The Schnee Dust Company." She told him. The stoic man nodded and sharply turned the ship in the night sky, heading in the direction of Atlas.

"Perseus!" Ironwood's voice boomed in her ear.

"Yes sir?" She asked.

"Where are you?" He said. He didn't sound angry, so she wasn't worried.

"I'm about to finish my mission to apprehend all those responsible for the murder of Ruby Rose." She said in monotone.

"Why did you let Schnee go?" He asked.

"She was merely a representative of the Schnee Dust Company. Her father was the mind behind the operation. I'm on my way to apprehend him."

"You will do no such thing!" He ordered.

"I don't see why not." She said, seemingly angry.

"Your orders were to arrest Weiss Schnee and bring her to me, so she could be transported to Schnee himself. While I'm sure it's to prove her innocent, there's nothing I can do about it. As much as I threatened Ozpin, an all out war is not in my best interest." Ironwood said, sounding somewhat disappointed in himself.

"This is something I can do, and because of it, I will not let Schnee get away with this." She told him, knowing what would happen if she went against his orders.

"Very well then." He said, then the affirmation of her thoughts came, "But you are to do this without any affiliation to the Atlesian Military. Understood?"

"Yes sir." Ruby sighed.

The comms closed and Ruby stood, moving to the back of the bullhead, where Jaune lay. Nora had closed the side doors, the only light coming in was that from the cockpit and the windows on the doors. Ruby kneeled down beside Jaune and began to nudge him until he began to stir.

"Jaune." She said. He groaned in response, flopping over onto his side. "Do you think you can aid me with one final mission?"

He sat up, looking at her. "I just joined you. Why would this be the last mission?" He asked, sounding groggy.

"Because once we finish this one, people will come looking for us. And they won't stop. Ever. We will be fugitives. Every kingdom will want to kill us."

"What are we doing exactly?" Nora asked, leaning against the door.

"We're going to kill the CEO of the Schnee Dust Company." Ruby said, turning to the ginger. "You guys don't have to, if—"

"I'm in." Jaune cut her off.

"Me too." Nora cheerfully announced.

"I as well." Ren added from the cockpit. Ruby smirked.

"Let's fucking do this." She said.

It took them a few hours of flying before they reached Atlas, being able to see the SDC building from miles away. It was a true beacon of capitalism.

"Circle the building." Ruby told Ren. "We need to find an entry point." She expanded her mask over her face, pulling up the building's blueprints and security layout for weak points to exploit. She also checked the appointments the man had. He had set Weiss for half an hour from now.

The sun was barely peeking over the horizon, and there were many cars filling the streets, all rushing to get to their mundane jobs and continue with their insignificant lives. Ruby glanced at her watch, noting that it was 7:18 in the morning. How long had they been in the air?

Ruby patted Jaune's shoulder, and dove out the window, landing on the building's heli-pad. A few Atlesian robots began to move towards her, but she immediately shut them down. They hit the ground with a metallic clank, before falling off the side of the landing pad. Ruby began her slow stroll to the door that she knew housed Mr. Schnee himself; the man who had ordered her to be killed.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2018 ⏰

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