Chapter 19 - Adelaide

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"You used to work for Idris Aldine? As in the actor?" Adelaide said.

Kristen nodded her head vicariously. "Yes".

Adelaide looked down at the resume - a quick skim read. It was mostly for show because she already liked this girl. Something her eagerness, and her quiet polite manner.

"And you were given a good reference. Which you'll need if you want to work here, because you'd be living here" Adelaide said.

"Wow. That's really kind but I have a flat down the road..." Kristen said.

"A flat? I won't have that. You'll be staying here" Adelaide said. "Welcome aboard".

Adelaide stood up and shook her hand.

"Really? I mean thank you. You won't regret it".

Kristen smiled and quietly slipped out the door the same time Nicholas slipped in.

"If you're here for the maid vacancy, it's already been taken" Adelaide said.

"Damn" Nicholas said. "I actually want to talk about this".

He took out a newspaper with a photograph of Rosaline and Casper in a restaurant and another of them stepping in a royal carriage.

"They're using her like they use everyone else" Adelaide said.

"Aren't you concerned about it?" Nicholas said.

"No. If Rosaline is in danger, she knows how to take care of herself. I don't see any reason to worry".

"I didn't expect you to be so...calm about it" Nicholas said.

"You must be confusing me with someone who makes rash decisions".

Nicholas snorted. "Oh by the way, the sanctuary will take months to rebuild. The AIA doesn't have any more money"

Adelaide thought she must've misheard him.

"What? There really is no more money?" she said.

"According to Victoria, the AIA is bankrupt. Mr Elderwen was furious"

"Oh, that's awful. But Victoria will figure something out. She always does".

"Stop that. You're being weirdly positive"

"I've always been a positive person" Adelaide protested.

Adelaide pushed the door open and nearly collapsed into her house. All her energy had drained, her every nerve exhausted. All she wanted was to soak in a long hot bath. Or a quick shower so she could be in her bed by nine.

A noise came from the kitchen, a cupboard door opening. The maids should've left by now. Was Rosaline finally back? Adelaide crept around the corner to find a woman with short cropped dark hair. A slim figure with big hips, much like her own frame. The woman was dressed in pink flapper dress and stockings. A feather hairband adorned her head and a cigarette holder was balanced delicately between her fingers.

"Amelie?" Adelaide exclaimed.

Her sister turned round and nearly bumped her head on the kitchen counter.

"Darling. There you are" Amelie said. "I was wondering where you'd got to".

Adelaide crossed her arms. "How much is it this time?"

Amelie's eyes widened. "I don't want your money. I just wanted to see how my darling big sister was getting on. So, how have you been?"

"Fine" Adelaide answered.

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