[Berserker's Arc] Chapter 3

Start from the beginning

"I was the one who dragged Aaron to listen to you two when Chikara-san got inside," Malana continued after her cousin, "It's really my fault; I listened... But are you really going to leave us?" Malana have tears in her eyes as she hugged me.

"Please don't," Aaron pleaded, having the same expression as Malana. He hugged me as well.

"You two kids." I sighed as I hugged them both. They're hugging me so tight while brimming with tears. I feel like I will cry myself because deep inside my heart, I don't want to leave them. "You know that I cannot afford to disobey Chikara-san. It was his choice to let me go."

"But...but! Who will be our protector if big sis is gone?!" Malana started to cry. "Don't! Don't leave us! Take us!"

"If I could bring you two there, who knows what will happen?" I tried to explain calmly. "Your grandmother needs you. Your uncle Chikara needs you. This is your home."

I looked at Aaron and he is crying too. I cried too. "D-Didn't you two just say so yourselves that you met me just last year - just when you moved in for the first time?"

"But one year is enough for me to trust my big sis!" Malana insisted. Aaron just kept hugging me while crying.

At a time like this, I really don't know what I can say to convince Malana and Aaron... They're absolutely right. Even in just a year I met them, I really became close to them and I treated them like they're my real family. I don't want to leave them, I don't want to make them cry... but I can't forsake my orders, no – I cannot let slip the only permission I have to go to Ikebukuro that I always dreamt of. It is obvious that Chikara-san is pushing me away. I don't like it here either. It's only Malana and Aaron who're pushing me forward every day and making me want to stay.

A little louder knock was heard from the door. I wiped my tears away as I tried hard to call out with my voice not cracking. "C-Come in." The two kids are sobbing on my lap.

The door opened and the old lady got in. She closed the door behind her, then looked for a seat to sit. "Leena, Chikara told me about what happened..." She looked at the two kids who refused to let me go. "I'm sure they know it already."

"Yeah." I sadly nodded. Then I rubbed their backs. They're sobbing deeply. "It must be too sudden for them."

"And for you as well," the old lady continued. "You once told me that you dreamt of living in Ikebukuro. Chikara happened to be passing by and he heard us. He told me that when the day comes, he will let you leave."

"That's today, right?" I confirmed. "Why will he let me leave? Is there a new protector?"

"No, there's none. He made something in lieu of a protector and he just finished it," she explained. "Starting tonight, you no longer have to be a protector. No one will ever rummage this village anymore."

"You mean there's no need of me anymore? Is that why he let me leave?" I felt a bit more depressed when I think about it.

"Don't think it that way, Leena. Chikara wants to set you free."

"If so... about my powers, is there something he can do to make it disappear?" I asked, trying to make myself believe on what the old lady told me. I want to believe that I'm not a trash that will be thrown away after being used. I still don't know about all these people even if we're together in one year. I can feel they're hiding something from me and that gives me more reason to leave. "I can't live in Ikebukuro normally if I have this monstrous strength and speed."

"Over the year, Chikara and I taught you how to manage your power," she told me, not answering my question. "All you have to do is control it. Changing places to live in doesn't make a difference. I'm sure you'll fit in perfectly." She smiled reassuringly.

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