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(Three years ago)
I was shoved to the pavement and I didn't know what just happened until I saw him lying on the road surrounded by a pool of blood.Felix, the love of my life and my first love was lying on the road gasping for his last breath. I couldn't see anything nor could I hear anything apart from what was happening In front of me. It all seemed to be in slow motion and before I knew it I was kneeling beside him, crying, begging even pleading for him to hold on until I call the paramedics. As I dialed the number, I tried to control my breathing in other to stop the crying so that I can be able to properly talk to the operator on the phone but as I was doing this Felix held my shaking hand, looked me in the eyes, smiled and said in a weak voice "it's okay". He moved his hand from my hand and gently wiped the tears that was on my cheeks.

"Don't cry. It pains me to see you crying like this."

I held his hand that was on my cheek and said " Please" shaking my head, "please don't die. I love you"

"I love you too". He smiled weakly to me.

"If you really love me promise me that you won't die." I repeated, " Promise me". I saw that his breathing was reducing.

He weakly smiled at me again and said, " I promise"

"You better keep your promise and don't close your eyes. Don't you even dare to close your eyes."
My best friend of nearly twelve years, Elena, who has being watching the story unfold from the sideline gently walked up to me and placed her hand on my shoulder and said, " Don't worry Kim, the medic are on their way." I knew she was trying to comfort me but all I could see, think or feel was Felix and how his eyes were fluttering, as if , they couldn't stand to stay open again

" Hey Kim. You know I love you right? " Felix asked me and I quickly nodded since I was choking on the tears that has been caught in my throat. " And I have never broke a promise that I have made, right?" I quickly nodded again. He continued, "I am sorry Kim-" already anticipating where this conversation was going to. I furiously shaked my head and said, "no" over and over and over again.

Felix continued, " but I think I am going to have to break my recent promise to you"

The tears that were threatening to fall again began to fall again.
"But you promised"

"I'm sorry Kim"

"No don't feel sorry, just don't die." But as if, it was all planned out, after saying that he closed his eyes. I tried desperately to make him open his eyes again but he never did and ten minutes later the paramedics arrived only to confirm my suspicion that Felix is now dead. My world began to crumble and I just broke on the spot after hearing the verdict of the paramedic, crushing my only hope that Felix might still be alive. I cried so much that day that I didn't even know when i passed out.But you know what, I realised something that day that it is true you don't realised what you have lost until you have loose it

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