[Berserker's Arc] Chapter 2

Start from the beginning

"We should invite the villagers back," I heard the man say, unaware of my condition, "Since a new protector has been chosen, we can start a new life."

Protector? A new one...? What...?

"But why did you choose this girl? Wouldn't it be more suitable if it's a man from your family line? Why not you instead?" the lady contradicted.

"True. It would be much better if it's me, but there are reasons which I cannot tell anyone yet," he answered seriously.

"Keeping a secret, huh?" she muttered, disappointed. He didn't say anything in return.

A moment later, I sat up forcefully, gasping air as I shot my eyes wide open. I began to sweat, and all the excruciating sensation died in that spur of moment.

"Young lady, you're already awake!" The old lady raised her voice at me happily.

"What?" I subconsciously blurt as I fiercely face them. I felt a hand pressing on my arm; I looked at it and traced the hand to see a man holding a cotton on my arm. "W-What did you do to me?"

"I gave you an injection... you we're barely alive when we found you inside the gate," he answered monotonously.

"What injection did you give me?"

"Not that important to you, as long as it gave you life."

My head started to throb as I held it with one hand. "What is this new protector you're talking about? Why don't I remember anything before that?"

The old lady held my other arm. "I'm sorry this is all of a sudden. You we're in a terrible situation when we found you. Your pulse is so weak; we thought you'd die so we decided to give you the injection. We had no other option."


"That injection is the future of this village which once died. Reviving you is a 0.01 possibility out of 100. Your return is a miracle!" The old lady was very relieved but I am not relieved even though I'm fully awake now.

"What's going on? I don't remember anything at all! Who are you, and more importantly, who am I?!" I blurted those questions to them all at once; I didn't give them the chance to speak in between my questions.

"I'm sorry; your memories have been wiped out," the old lady apologized and abruptly looked down before she looked back at me. "Let me explain to you who you are as I know you and what you need to know."

"Right. Let me do that for you," the man said as he sat next to the old woman and talked to me, looking straight into my eyes to make sure he captured my attention. "You are Leena Prestn, 24 years old. You came ahead of us in order to recover this dead Archen Hannes Village with the power of its first civilians – the Berserkers."

"First civilians... Berserkers..." I mouthed to show that I barely understand.

"Originally, the injection was to be given to me, but since you're the one who collapsed, we gave it to you – the serum that revived you and granted you the power of strength, speed and determination that is supposed to run along our bloodline," he explained. "The duty of those who hold that power is to protect this village, to keep it resistant to change, and to let it live even if it is the only village left."

"Who... are you...?"

"I apologize, I ranted so much without properly introducing ourselves," he chuckled and smiled. "My name is Chikara and the old lady with me is my aunt, Lady Mirae. You can also call her Mirae-sama."

"I-is she someone with authority?"

"No one is with authority in our village. We don't abide the government's rule," the lady intervened. "They call me that because I'm one of the elders."

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