2 NAMJOON/RAPMON - Reason for an 'F'

Start from the beginning

"students! You have to pair up for an assignment that you will submit tommorrow, topic is quadratic equations! You have 24 hours and we will go to the library now so you can research the last 30 min. First task pair up!" The teacher said waking me up from my thoughts!

Who am I gonna pair up with?I have no one! Just then cicilia walks towards namjoon "hey do you want to pair up with me! We make a great team together!" She said in a flirtatious voice. Urrgghhh! I hate her!

"I can't because I already teamed up with someone" he replied looking around.
"I teamed up with...... Y/n! Yes Y/n!" He said and my mouth hung open due to shock. Wait did he say me! Omg, it's gonna be difficult talking to him!

"Sorry cicilia" he said as she walked away angrily.

"So partner let's start!"he said as he grabbed my wrist and lead us to the library.

We entered the library and sat down, we discussed a few equations and decided to bring books for extra research. I went to the opposite section to search for something good.

We both returned with 10 books. We skimmed through each book and highlighted stuff. We made a PowerPoint but couldn't fully complete it.

The bell rung signifying that it is break, finally!

"Y/n we are almost done with the project, so .... do you wanna come over my house?"
"Ummm... is it okay if you come over to my house instead as I am busy and it will be much easier than....?"
"Deal! be there at 6" saying that he walked to the canteen.

I saved my work and went to meet miji.

"So what's up how was maths?" She asked making kiss faces and expressions, I hate it when she teases!!
"It was great did you know I (whole thing that happened)"
"WHATTT!!!!," she screamed as I covered her.
"Shut up!"
We talked as we walked to the cafe.


I came home tired and famished!

"Mom, I am back! Can you make pancakes for me plzz" I asked but there was no reply.
I walked to the kitchen and saw I sticky not on the fridge.

I walked to the kitchen and saw I sticky not on the fridge

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Now to find the ingredients. I followed the steps and made 2 pancakes. They were ,for the first time ,in history, not black in colour. I drizzled honey and whipped cream. I even added strawberries.

Time skip 5:30

I washed the dishes and took a bath, I put my cute and comfortable pajamas on. Oh God wait! I totally forgot namjoon is coming over!
I quickly cleaned my room and sprayed room freshner.

As I was cleaning the book shelf my diary fell down, I forgot to write this week's entry. I looked at the time. I have 30 minutes I can write I have time.
(Sorry if some find it cringy but wait for the best part!)

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