Chapter 5

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Max's POV

As my feet brushed the ground in two days I suddenly felt calmer. This is where I belonged, not stuck up in a tree.

I look up at Able who is watching me from the window of the treehouse. His eyes are filled with fear and anxiousness. I smile and wave up at him. "It's clear down here." I call up. "Maybe the vampires have left already."

"Can I come down?" He asks. I shake my head no.

"Of course not. It's still not safe." I hear him sigh and he vanishes back into the treehouse. I turn and glance around at the trees. Still nobody around. I adjust my crossbow on my shoulder and begin walking.

The further I get from home the more I begin to get anxious. I try to brush away the feeling, telling myself I'm overreacting. Even if there are vampires in these woods, they would be hunting werewolves, not stalking humans.

At least I hope.

Suddenly I hear a snap from behind me. I drop to the ground instinctively, pulling my weapon from my shoulder and aiming it towards the noise. The werewolf boy, Shane from the lake stand there, his hands raised defensively. I dont react at first, shocked to see him.

"I really don't want to get shot today, so please lower the crossbow." He says, slowly lowering his hands.

"Are you alone?" He nods yes. I sigh and get to my feet. "I didn't consider you the stalker type." I say lowering my weapon to my side.

"I wasn't stalking you, I was... watching you." I raise an eyebrow at him.

"How is that any different from stalking?"

"I was just wondering where you were going, what you're even doing out here. Especially with the vampires around." My stomach drops.

"I thought they had left." I say quietly.

"No, but they haven't approached the pack yet. They are just slowly picking us off one by one."

"Why?" he shrugs.

"No clue. That's actually why I'm out here in the first place. I was tracking one. Once I found the bastard I was going to get answers from him. One way or another." the last sentence is said with such spite it sends shivers down my spine. "Why are you out here? Hunting more of my friends?" I step back, shocked at how this conversation is going.

"Look. I apologise for what I've done, what I will continue to do. I have my reasons for hurting your people. Just like i'm sure you have your reasons for hurting mine." I expected him to be angry, but his he suddenly just seems really upset and lost.

"You can't keep doing this. They'll kill you."

"I have too."

"I don't want you to get hurt." he says quietly. That's when it hits me. He thinks I am his mate, he cares about me more than anything. More than anyone. Suddenly my throat closes up in shock and I struggle to respond to him. He steps closer to me placing his hand on my cheek. "I guess I can't stop you." He says "So just be careful. I care about you, ok?" He rests his forehead against mine. I don't move, frozen to the spot.

"You don't even know me." I say quietly.

"No, but I want to."

"Max. My name, it's Max." He smiles at me.

"That's a lovely name." He moves his face from mine and places a gentle kiss on my forehead. "Hopefully I'll see you soon, Max."

Then he turns and walks away, leaving me alone and confused.

What am I getting myself into?

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