Chapter 15

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I coo for Dan softly, waking him up. I don't really want to end his sleep, he needs the rest but I have to say goodbye. His eyes flutter open blankly.

"Max, is that you?" he says quietly reaching his hands up to my face. His hands hold my cheeks and his thumbs brush down my jaw, getting familiar with my looks. That won't matter for long anyway, I'll be gone soon.

"Yes, it's me."

"Why did you wake me up?" his face looks concerned, I put my hands on top of his comfortingly.

"I'm leaving tonight." I say knowingly, my tone solemn. He bolts upright.

"What? You can't, I need you here. I need you and Shane."

"He will be staying. He doesn't know I'm leaving, but he will find out by morning." Dans brow crinkles in confusion.

"I don't understand. Why are you leaving?"

"You will know by sunrise. I will either be gone or dead." Dan holds onto me a little bit tighter, as if he was to loosen his grip I would slip away. Maybe I will.

"Max, you are a good person. Nothing you do will make me think different. You saved my life, and I will always have a place for you in my heart. Always." Tears push at the gates of my eyes as my throat tightens.

"I wish I had gotten to you earlier. Maybe I could have helped you." I whisper.

"It's okay, it's done now." His hands slide down to my throat, gently caressing my neck. "You are about to cry." He says obviously feeling my slightly swollen glands "don't cry, Max."

"Tell Shane I'm sorry."

"He will come looking for you. That's what love is. Nothing you can do will change that. It's fated." I lean in to Dan and softly kiss his forehead.

"Thank you, Dan, and I'm sorry. For everything. I hope we will meet again." He smiles for the first time since his attack.

"We will. I know we will." I stand up, his hands falling from my face. I stand over him for a moment, my long cloak blowing in the wind and crossbow over my shoulder. Just as the tears spill down my cheeks I turn and vanish to find the Alpha.


I clutch my knife for comfort under the folds of my cloak as I approach the Alpha. He sits awake just off from the pack, he watches into the trees. I stand behind him, unsure how to act. He is in his human form, topless and seeming connected with his surroundings.

"I know where I recognised you from now." He speaks his voice sending shivers down my spine. "I am surprised I didn't recognise such a pretty face. But then you were so young, still just a child."

"You killed my parents." I hiss lowly.

"Yes, I did." He says standing up and turning to face me. "Now things are falling into place. Why you were killing my people, why you use a weapon. You aren't even a wolf, are you child?" I clench my jaw, tightening my hand on my knife until my knuckles turn white. He laughs lightly. "That explains alot. Why you were alone, but I remember you having a boy with you. A brother perhaps?" I swallow uncomfortably, memories of Able coming back to me. "I assume the forest took him, just like I assumed it would you. I should have realised how strong you were." Suddenly he is in front of me his hand grabbing my chin and holding my face to the side. He looks at my face, examining me. I slowly seethe my blade, holding it loose under my cloak. "So were you lying to my son? To Shane? Are you really his mate or was he just a pawn in your game."

"He loves me." I say through clenched teeth "but that doesn't matter. You need to die." I thrust the knife towards his stomach but his free hand grabs my wrist, stopping the movement just before the blade buries into his flesh. He tuts his tongue.

"Silly girl, trying to take me on is a battle you are sure to loose."

"Maybe." I say, my eyes glinting. "But I am willing to risk death for vengeance." I slam my face forward, head butting him and causing him to stumble backwards. I take the moment to swing my leg up, kicking his side in his moment of weakness. He lets go of my blade and staggers backwards. His eyes meet mine as he quickly regains his composure.

"Stupid, stupid girl." He steps forward and swipes his leg at me, he hits the side of my shins causing me to fall onto my back. I let out a grunt as the ground collides with me. He stands over me, smiling in victory. He moves his foot to my throat and pushes against it, chocking me. I use the knife in my hand and dig it into his calf, he yells out and retracts his leg. He steps off me, pulling the blade from his skin and throwing it away. I jump to my feet and lunge at him, yelling out in rage. I go to kick him in the stomach but he catches my leg, using the advantage to spin me around and slam me into a tree. He presses me against it, shifting into his wolf form. His face is inches from mine, long teeth dripping with spit and his eyes glowing red.

I suddenly freeze up, memories of my parents death coming back to me. His giant paw moves to my neck again, his claws dig into my throat, just puncturing the skin. Blood flows from the holes down my neck and onto my shirt.

"Any last words?" he says, pressing on my windpipe forcing the air out of me.

I frantically look for an escape route, I cannot see one. My options are dimming and my vision starts to get black dots. I gasp for air, trying to speak.


The rattle of metal can be heard as a chain is wrapped around the Alphas neck. Before either of us can react he is pulled off me, the chain pulling him to the ground. I fall to my knees, gasping for breath. I see a cloaked figure standing over the chocking Alpha, they quickly hiss some latin words and dig a knife into his throat and silence falls over us. The person walks over to me and hands out my knife, I look up into the familiar face of Adalind.

"Here child." She says, I shakily take the knife, still gasping for breath. "That were stupid of you, wrong timing and not enough skill."

"Than-k you." I gasp through ragged breaths, hold my throat, attempting to clot the bleeding holes in my throat.

"I couldn't watch you die." Her face is serious as she brushes hair out of my face. "You must run, child. Far far away. Into the city. Make a new life." I nod without question, still shocked that she saved my life. She caresses my face briefly before standing up and turning away from me.

"Wait." I gasp, she stops without turning around. "Thank you Adalind." Though I cannot see her grin, I can feel the smile in her words.

"We will meet again, child." Without another word she vanishes into the night, almost like a phantom.

I swallow the lump in throat, getting shakily to my feet. I seethe my blood coated blade and start walking.

I don't say goodbye to Shane.

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