The Small Town Star

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I pressed the play button on my mp3 and put it in my jeans pocket as my favorite song started playing in my ears. I smiled and sighed, feeling the comforting waft of fridged air wash over my face. I stepped onto the ice and was off in an instant.

I was alone on the ice. I let the warm calm that came from it fill me with love and passion for what I do. I mouthed the words as I spun and twirled to the music. I invisioned my favorite skaters dancing along with me on the ice, doing the routine that goes with the song.

Before I knew it, the song was over and I was sliding along the ice after the final spin. I panted, my hand still outstretched.

The sound of applause made me close my fish mouth and look around. At the edge of the rink was Trevor, my best friend and fellow figure skating enthusiast.

"There she is, folks! July Summers, Queen of the Ice! Oh, wasn't that performance spectacular?" He smirked. "A little lacking in the jump department, though, wouldn't you say?" He added with a cocked eyebrow.

"Well, for you imformation, Mister Mean, that song's performance doesn't exactly have a lot of jumps, so just be quiet!" I snapped and stuck out my tongue.

He chuckled and stepped into the rink, skating over to me with ease. "July, you're seventeen. Isn't sticking your tongue at me a little childish? Not to mention calling me 'Mister Mean'."

"What can I say? The name stuck to ya." I said with a grin and pinched his nose.

"Foul play! That's a five point deduction!" He shouted and shot away from me, taking a lap around the rink. I laughed and chased after him, the chase eventually melting into one of our races.

We met side by side one a stretch and locked eyes. The lyrics of History Maker rang through my head, retracking my mind into performance and immediately I travled to the centar of the rink.

"We were born make history!"

I dug my spikes into the ice and used my momentum to launch myself into the air, pulling my arms in and raising them halfway through my quad. My blades hit the ice and I followed the jump, gliding on my right in a wide arch before finally coming to a stop on one knee.

The adrenaline that coursed through me made my heart pound in my chest. I raised up straight and met eyes with Trevor, who was staring at me with awe. I smirked confidently.

"How's that for a jump, Trev? Satisfied now?" I breathed.

"July, was that... a flip? Did you seriously do a flip without anything? You just did that out of nowhere! Wha... How did you even do that!? That was incredible!" He rambled.

I blushed with embarrassment. "Trev, don't you think you're over reacting just a smig? I mean, it was just a flip! Nothing more!"

"Yes, but after the routine, plus five laps around the rink, you must be exausted! How did you do that? I've only seen something like this once before! When Yuri did it in the Grand Prix! He did that quadruple flip during the second half of his "Yuri on Ice" routine, and the crowd went burzurk! And he's twenty three! You're only seventeen, and you did that with ease!!!" He gushed.

"Ugh, Trev! You are more of a fangirl than I am!"

"Might it have something to do with size? Weight maybe? He's older, taller, weighs more, no doubt... maybe the fatigue hasn't quite set in yet, since you're not as heavy as an adult man..." He was completely lost in thought and didn't notice my infuriated face.

I was about to beat the living daylights out of him, raising my hand above me when my attention was drawn by a young voice laughing. I looked over at the source and saw my cousin Owen, his little hands hanging onto the wall as he peeked over at us on the ice.

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