Chapter Eighty-One

Start from the beginning

    He wish he could've just paid more attention. He wish he could've taken it more seriously so that now, nothing like this would've happened. He can endure Damien and his goons targeting his life than risk his granddaughter. Now, he hopes he's not too late to put things has to!

    Damien watched the look of horror and guilt filter through Grayson's eyes that gave him so much satisfaction of kicking at this wounded animal.

    He ripped Grayson's claws off his neck, ignoring the skin being ripped off and the blood that spewed out as he straightens and meet Grayson with an evil smile.

    "That's not the worst of it all, Grayson" he mused. "Besides the damage that have happened in their property, do you really think any of them might've survived?"

    Grayson's heart thundered in his chest in dread. 'No no no no no! It can't be. He's lying. He should be! He's always good at lying' he chanted at himself, denying what his mind is conjuring up the worst scenarios of his family dying in the hands of someone they should've loved.

    "They have Zach" Grayson swallowed the lump in his throat as he repeated his answer. "They have Zach. He is strong. I know he can withstand her even in her state. I know he can help them" he continued with certainty, willing himself to believe his conviction.

    Damien laughed at him with a shake of his head. "Are you that naive, Riley? Are you even keeping in tabs with your family at all? Zach abandoned her after the Dominant's gathering because she bedded with her first. Do you really think that Zach would still want her after being betrayed like that?"

    At that moment, Grayson couldn't help but let dread consume him. No amount of denying, chanting, and convincing he does to himself can sway the fact of what Damien just casually spewed out like the words are mere stones themselves. He hates how he always makes a point straight to the heart.

    "Poor, Grayson. You must be in so much pain right now" he heard Damien coo sarcastically that has him having an urge to roar at his face.

    "Let me at least ease your pain a bit...console you" Damien grinned at him as he pats his back in a fake comforting manner. "Fernando and his wife is far as I know, alive. Yeah beaten here and there but at least breathing, right?"

    'What about Jaken?' He asked internally in panic as Damien opened his mouth to answer his unspoken question.

    "Jaken, however...didn't make it." The bastard even had the nerve to fake pout! "According to my birdie-" Damien motioned his dick, laughing as Grayson looked away uncomfortable. "-he died in Alexandrielle's hands while healing. It looks as if, Jaken found himself wounded when she turned and did a great damage at him and his father before she was contained. Unfortunately enough, Alexandrielle managed to be free from the container they put her in and killed him when they were unsuspecting"

    Grayson's legs gave out beneath him as he collapsed on the floor. He's mind and body went numb as grief kicked in. He could feel the burning at the edge of his eyes and he knows that tears will fall soon if he couldn't get a grip of himself right at this moment. The least he could do is be weak in front of this jerk!

    He slowly stood up with a wobble as he gripped the coffee table to steady himself. He feels his heart shattering over and over again as pain tugged at his heart mercilessly.

    Damien put a hand on his shoulder in mock condolence. "This is why I called you here for. To pay my condolence to you. As per our deal years ago, don't you think I was right all along that you should hate her? Seeing as she's the bastard child, she also killed your sole heir."

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