Jack, This is Amazing!

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Your POV

Jack had dragged me out the door and to his car, I looked like crap so if we were going somewhere nice I clearly wasn't ready...but niether was Jack so we're both idiots. Jack got in the driver's seat as he yelled to me to get in. I got in the vehicle and he sped off. "Ok so first we need to pick up a few old friends." I was a little afraid to say the least. "Who were these people? What would they think of me? And what if they don't like me...will they hate Jack too?" Nevertheless I didn't say anything, I simply sat confused and nervous at the same time. I stared out the window as Jack turned up the radio a little. A song I've been waiting to hear came,

It was a sadder more depressing song then I had hoped to come on but I still love Twenty One Pilots and I began singing the song softly to myself. By the end of the song Jack slowed down the car and turned the radio off. "Ok we're here!" He said getting out of the car and coming over to my side to open the door. I thanked him and stepped out taking a deep breath only to see....
Marks house?
Wow it's been so long since I've seen Mark, I'm so excited to see him and apparently I was showing it because Jack came up to me and said "Well go on!" So I did!

Marks POV

I was in my recording room about to close my video when I heard my front door open. I paused, and looked out my ajar door to my room and saw a figure come inside my house. I assumed it to be Jack or Bob so I yelled down, "I'm up here dude." I heard lightning fast steps up my stairs and I stood up and opened the door only to see...,"Y/N? Oh my god, Y/N it's you! It's really you!" I hugged her and she hugged back tightly. "Oh my god I missed you so much you have no idea!" She laughed and told me she felt the same. We hugged longer as I smelled her perfume. It smelt wonderful. I wanted to stay like that longer but then I heard Jack come in and yell "Honey, I'm home!" And I laughed while excusing myself to go say 'hi' to Jack. "Jack it's been too long! Where you've been?" "Home obviously!" "Right." We both laughed as Y/N came down the steps and smiled at us. "So Mark...do you know what we're doing today?" She questioned me. "Sorry, I don't but I think we're about to find out."

Your POV

As soon as Mark said that, the front door opened again! Only to reveal two other youtubers, it was Bob and Wade! (Muskyrum and Lordminion777 I think...srry If I'm wrong) I ran up and hugged them as they both were taken aback by a random girl with ears and a tail coming up and hugging them, I mean who wouldn't be? They eventually hugged back as I slowly backed out from the hug and smiled at them. "Sorry, I'm just...a fan." We three talked a little more and got to know each other. They asked me if my cat-like features were real which I replied with a yes, they were suprised. "Strange I've only seen people like that in anime and stuff..." I smiled and replied "Yes but we do exist and I don't exactly know how many of my kind are left..." Our session was inturupted by Mark coming in and saying that we all would be going to a amusement park by the shore in Vegas! (I hope this exists...) We all began cheering with excitement and I went to help them put stuff in the car.

--Time skip brought to you by me not making chapters for 8 years--

"We're here!" We all yelled at the same time. We laughed till we found a parking spot. Then when we all got out Mark had us gather around as he said our plans. "Ok so we have about 11 hours till the park actually closes, but there's alot to do. So, Bob and Wade, will you guys please unload the stuff and settle everything down at the hotel?" Bob and Wade nodded in response and began unloading things, Mark told them he would help in a minute. "Anyway, Jack and Y/N, you guys can do the fun part, you guys will drive the car and see what's nearby us." Jack looked over at me and smiled. I returned the gesture and looked back at Mark who continued on, "If you guys finish before we are done here, you guys could come back and help orrrr you could walk around the park and see what might be intresting?" He suggested with a bit of question. I just smiled and said,"We'll see." When Mark clapped his hands and said,"Go!" We all began zooming to work. Me and Jack jumped into the car and once the others are done unloading the luggage, we pulled out from the hotel and began down the road...

|I'm sorry for not posting for forever guys but I'm trying, hopefully this chapter is long enough for you guys. Ily all and I can't believe we have reached 2.1k reads! That's incredible!!! Thank you all again and I'll see all you dudes...IN THE NEXT CHAPTER!|

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