Pity Party

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Narrator POV
You were sitting on Jacks couch. Tapping away at your screen you didn't notice the green bean enter the room. "Hello!" He said...well, more like shouted. You threw your phone and fell off the couch. Immediately standing back up blushing and with a pouty lip. "Really Jack? I almost died!" Just then your phone fell on your foot and you yelped and fell onto the couch, holding your foot in pain. "Ow...eh dosnt hurt that bad." Standing up for the second time you made your way to the man. "What did ya have in mind for today?" You asked curiously. "Oh plenty! But I can't tell you~" You were about to ask why when he interrupted you and said,"Then it wouldn't be a suprise silly!"

Jacks POV
I could tell she was super curious, but I want to know each other more before we start the festivities. "So first is Truth or Dare!" She frowned. "Truth or Dare? What are you,5?" She put a hand on her hip. "Yes I am, who told you?!" She giggled then sat down on the couch. "Ok you start." She gestured for me to ask a question. My first question was pretty bland...but really straight forward. "Are those...real?" I pointed at her tail and ears, they were a pretty F/C and it was my favorite color! "Um, yes..." She leaned toward me so I could touch them, her ears I mean. "Wow..." They were incredibly soft. I touched her tail too, she was blushing a bright pink and it was clearly noticable. Her tail was the same color as her ears, F/C. I realized I had been touching them awhile and murmured a,"sorry..." and leaning back into my side of the couch. She smiled a little,"It's fine, I have the same emotions as cats so it feels nice! That dosnt mean you touch them all the time!" She growled at me...strange. I chuckled and said,"It's your turn."

Your POV
I smiled at Jack. We were becoming friends in just, well, not even a day! It's Amazing how much we get along. I moved a strand of my H/C hair back behind my human ears. "Do you have a girlfriend?" I blushed a little realizing how personal that was. "Y-you don't have to answer tha-" "Yeah...but, we broke up a week before you showed up. She thought I was cheating on her with a fan. But, well, I don't know if I'd say famous but, when your 'well-known' people tend to send you some weird stuff." I completely understood what he meant. He meant some crazy fan-girl sent him nudes or sent him something else. His girlfriend took it the wrong way. Argh! That made me so angry. His girlfriend should have known that those things are gonna happen! I didn't realize I was growling and clenching my fist until I felt Jack lay his hand on my tightened one. "You ok?" I blushed and immediately loosened up. "Y-Yeah I'm fine!" I smiled a bit but then put on a serious look. "Jack I'm so sorry...let's move on." Jack nodded in agreement. "Ok it's my turn" He said to himself...outloud.

Jacks POV
One more question..."Where's your family?" She seemed to grow quiet even though she wasn't speaking, and she had this...look on her face. I wanted to comfort her, I hate seeing people sad or crying. I just hug them because I don't know what else to do. But, against my will, I sat there silently waiting for a answer. Harsh, I know, but I was very curious. "Well..." She started. "When I was born...my mother immediately died...right afterwards. She couldn't take all the pain and there were no medicines in our village. She smiled while holding me and dying. My dad was sick with cancer and he ended up dying when I was 9. When that happened I ran away from the village." She turned away from me, but I knew she was crying. "I ran until I was lost. Then I wondered, until I found a tree house. It was old and left behind. So I stayed there. I cried to myself night after night, wanting to go home. I soon realized I need to reach myself how to hunt. I had already seen my dad go out and do it along with other men from our village. I succeeded in teaching myself and I decided to learn how to track. I tracked and tracked and also aquire the skill. I tracked my way back to my village only to find..." by now she was choking down sobs. "My village was gone, sake rising from piles of ash and people's faces of terror had blood spatter across their bodies like paint...the ground was so red I thought everyone must of died...I found I was correct. After searching and searching I only found more scared striken face and blood. I then found my house...it was the most burnt and the biggest pile of ash. I could hardly tell it was mine besides the swing in the backyard that was now almost fallen off. I ran to the pile of rubble and stood over it. I fell to my knees and cried. Searching the ash I found a family picture. I held it close to my chest..." She turned and faced me, there was rivers of clear tears rolling down her S/C cheeks. And she was trying hard to smile. She then reached into her pocket and pulled out a photgraph. There was a man, a little girl which I assumed was her, and what looked to be a woman, but her face was blocked out by black from the fire. "Oh my god..." I trailed off.

Your POV
I was crying to hard, I couldn't stop myself. I turned away and let out a few muffled sobs. I was about to just cry out my all when suddenly...I felt a pair of warm arms wrap around my torso. My body stiffened and my tail and ears perked up. Slowly, I loosened up and my lip began to quiver. I started crying even though there were no tears left. He hugged me tighter and I pushed him off me. He backed away and said,"Sor-" "Don't be." I cut him off by hugging him. I wanted to face him, to see his happy face. But, to my suprise, he was crying to. He must've not known either, because he touched his face and wiped the tears, laughing nervously. "Hehe, oh look at me...I'm such a cry baby." I smiled at him and hugged him even tighter. "Then your just like me." I told him honestly. I could feel his smile. "Ok, let's go do something fun. I don't wanna make you sad, I wanna make you happy! Follow me!" Jack wiped my tears gently, and then immediately grabbed my wrist, making me blush as he ran faster into a room and shut the door.

|ooooohhhh! Ok I'm sorry, I know yall hate me now because I can't write alot, but I'm in highschool, it's difficult ok? Thank you, now have some Jack-a-boy and enjoy!~|

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