A Video?

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Your POV
I woke up to the sound of light knocking on my door. "Y/N? Are you awake yet?" I smiled to myself, and stretched. "I am now!" I heard him chuckle from the other room. "I need to get dressed, all my clothes are in there." I blushed a small bit and decided to hit him with some humor. "I'm not lookin'!" It was silent, then I heard the door open and I quickly ducked under the blanket. I heard soft footsteps walk near the bed, then stop, then continued on in a different direction. "Ok....I'm getting dressed now..." I thought it was a bit weird but, if I'm gonna live with him for a month I should make some rules. 1, control my fangirling. I mean, I LOVE markiplier but if u fangirl in his face all the time he won't like me.... 2, I should get comfortable with him. It might be awkward at first but we should become closer sooner rather than later. And 3, Don't argue. If he tells me he dosnt want me here anymore, as much as I'd wanna kick his ass, I'd be kind and leave. Before I could snap back to reality, the sheets got pulled off of me. By, obviously Mark, but I was only wearing shorts and a sports bra. I blushed harder then ever and quickly grabbed the blankets back. Mark was more flustered than me though. He was as red as a cherry. "S-Sorry about that..." I watched as he quickly exited the room. Sighing, I got out of the bed and changed into better clothes. I fumbled my way downstairs only to hit the smell of breakfast. I raced down the steps and got to the table. Mark looked back at me, a bit red still but smiling nonetheless. "Ready for today? I got a whole day of fun planned." "Really?!" I asked stuffing my face with, what had to be, the best pancakes ever. He chuckled a little and ate his breakfast. We had small talk here and there but not much else. Eventually we both finished eating and I took the plates to a nearby sink and starting washing them. My F/C tail swished back and forth to the music I was humming. My F/C ears stayed perked in my head.
Narrarator POV
Mark watched from the table as you cleaned the dirty plates from this mornings food. He was smiling to himself. He loved the way you smiled or how you had cat ears and a tail. He actually thought it was fascinating. A human with cat features? Isn't that a Neko? Like, an anime thing? He got thinking about it so much he didn't realize you were standing in front of him. "Hey Day Dreamer!"

Marks POV
"Hey Day Dreamer!" "Huh?" I snapped out of my thoughts and stared at the girl in front of me. "Whatcha thinking bout?" I smiled and looked off to the side. "Games....speaking of games." I trailed off and looked at Y/N. "You wanna make a video with me?" I swear I saw her eyes twinkle. "R-r....record a video with...you?" I thought her brain was gonna explode. "You each you wa-" "OF COURSE I DO!" she immediately apologized to me and covered her mouth. I couldn't help but laugh. "It's fine, come on. We are gonna play with a few friends too...that ok?" She nodded and I showed her where we would record.

Your POV
'OMGOMGOMGOMGOMG! MARKIPLIER WANTS A VIDEO WITH ME, ME! A RANDOM GIRL! OH MY GOODNESS THIS IS TOO MUCH!' In my brain? I was freaking out. But on the outside? I was silently following the Youtuber down a hall. He sat down in his computer chair and pulled up another, computer chair as well. I took a seat saying a quick thank you. I was nervous. What would people say? What game are we even playing? I'm bad at it if it includes guns and concentration. "Hello Everbody, my name is Markiplier and today I have a special guest!" He pointed at me. "U-uh...my names Y/N and I'm a, half cat half human being!" I smiled at the camera. "Very good! Now today me and Y/N are going to be playing...PUBG! Otherwise known as, Player Unknowns Battle Grounds!" I frowned and looked at Mark. "You know I suck right?" He chuckled and said, "It's fine, you'll have 3 other people to help you anyway!" He faced the camera again. "So I'm going to be playing with Bob and Jack as well!" My heart got faster and I could hear it in my ears. "Jack?" "Yeah, you know him right?" I smiled. "Of course I do, he's my favorite Youtuber!" Mark looked a little hurt but the emotion quickly disappeared. "Haha, ok let's get into the video!" It took a while, but eventually Mark established a connection with Jack and Bob. "Hey Jack I got a special someone who'd like to say hi to you!" Mark smiled at me and made a motion for me to say something. "H-Hello...." I blushed heavily and soon enough heard his thick Irish accent. "Hello! What's your name!?" He was, as expected, very loud. "My names Y/N." I turned to Mark and whispered, "I think I'm gonna cry..." Mark looked back at me and gave me a reassuring look. "Aww don't cry!" 'MARK!' I screamed in my head. I heard Jack speak up and Bob laugh. "Aw please don't cry Y/N, I don't know who you really are yet but I wanna know. You seem lovely!" I smiled to myself and felt a single tear roll down my cheek. I quickly wiped it away though. As soon as the match started I went into a large building and looked for guns. I found a sniper and a ak47. I also eventually found other equipment and decked them out. Mark got really jealous and Jack and Bob were laughing the whole time. "Aw shit the circles coming Jack." I had warmed up to all of them by now. Me and Jack were right by the edge and he was still looting a building. I got on a bike and rode over to pick him up. "GOGOGO!" He screamed at me. "WELL I CAN'T IF YOUR NOT ON THE FUCKIN' BIKE!" I yelled back. Everyone laughed. Jack finally got on and we rode to Mark and Bob. I accidentally hit this small rut and me and Jack went flying! Like really really high! And we ended up on top the water tower. "HOW THE FUCK DOES THIS HAPPEN?!" I screamed at the computer. Mark looked at me and Jack from his gun and did his really deep laugh that gets higher as he goes. "What?" He managed to choke out. I just laughed with Jack and we ended up winning because the last guy gave up and killed himself. So we all were pretty proud of that. I high five Mark and Jack whinned,"Hey that's MY thing!" I started high fiving Mark nonstop. "I DON'T LIVE THAT FAR AWAY I'LL COME GET YOU!" I'm guessing Mark wanted him to visit because he high five me so hard, it hurt my hand. Mark laughed and said sorry. But Jack disconnected and went offline. "There's no way he's coming here over a high five...." I looked at Mark, giving him a nervous smile. "Eh? He might..." I was in complete shock. "Naw shit." "Anyway that is all for this episode, If you want more of this write it in the comments down below. And I will see YOU, in the next video...BU-BYEEE"

|I hope you all like it, Tomorrow I will try to update this and write a very special chapter for all you lovely people!|

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