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Dedication: @VedangiSharma because I'm excited tooooooooo :D

**For the picture posted in here, imagine Harry with his long hair. :)

"Welcome back to the Breakfast Show. If you're just tuning in, I'm here with actor Louis Tomlinson and he is just about to tell us his major announcement that we've been waiting for all morning," Nick said as soon as the On Air sign came back on. His eyes flicked to Louis'. "The floor is yours, Tommo."

"I feel like there is so much pressure on me," Louis laughed. "I came on the show today to announce that I'm going to be releasing my debut album and I believe that my dear manager has the first single here today."

"Does he now?! This isn't at all what I was expecting. Do we have the track?!" Nick asked, excited. He saw one of the radio people give him a thumbs up and Louis watched as Nick nearly shit his pants. "We do! Here it is, folks. Louis Tomlinson's first single from his debut album..."

"Miss You," Louis piped in, smiling.

The sign went off and Nick cranked up the volume on the boombox next to him so he could listen to it. Louis laughed as he did so because he had never seen someone so excited over a song. For just recording not even five days prior, he wasn't at all unhappy with how it turned out. It was weird to hear his voice across the desk from him, but what made it less weird was that everyone around him (other than Kyle) was enjoying it. That made him feel like his impulsive decision was a good one.

"So, only you and your team were the first ones to hear this song?" Nick asked.

"Yep. Haven't showed it to anyone else. Trust me, it was quite hard not to show it to some," Louis chuckled.

"Would that some be who the song is about?" Nick smirked.

"Maybe, maybe," Louis laughed.

"Speaking of, who is it about? Who's the lucky one that has the one and only Louis Tomlinson pining after them?" he asked.

Louis was about to say Harry's name, but then saw Kyle and one of the BBC crew mouthing not to say Harry's name. He didn't know why, but he wasn't going to deal with the repercussions from Kyle. "That would take away the mystery of it, now wouldn't it?"

Nick's eyebrows raised. "So, you're saying that it might be about a certain little curly haired brunette model you've been seen around with?"

Louis caught Kyle in the corner of his eye, making all these hand gestures. "A curly haired brunette, eh? Sounds like he'd be my type. Anywho, the person that this is about, if they are listening, I want them to know that I am serious about them. They don't think so, which has led to some feuding, but I am. I'm ready to shed this party animal lifestyle and settle down with the person that I love the most."

"That was really touching, Louis. You're really serious about this person, yeah?" Nick asked, looking genuinely interested.

"I'd say so, yeah. We haven't been in cahoots for very long, but I am serious about being in a long lasting relationship  and creating a future with him. He's a very sweet guy, definitely someone that is a relationship type of person. I have a feeling that with someone like him in my life, it will be easier for me to keep from falling back into my bad habits," Louis continued, smiling as he thought of Harry's sweet smile. He knew that the kid had a heart. And he also knew that he was probably listening to the interview, so hopefully, Louis was pulling enough heart strings to make Harry have a change of heart and think differently of Louis. Hell, maybe he would even agree to be his beard if he played the cards right.


"So, he's basically saying that he isn't harassing you," Liam stated. "He's serious about you, H."

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