Yandere Max x Reader/Need co-owners

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Since last time I've been getting better. To get my mind off of this bullshit life has given me, I think I'm going to continue writing. Though this book is honestly crap and cringe af. I'm thinking about giving writing another chance but instead of writing in this book I'm going to make another one. It's going to be a Yandere!Max x reader. I'm also going to have a co owners on this account.

If you want to be co owner, here are the rules to participate in this account. I'm going to choose 3 people.

1. Must be 13 and older.

2. Must agree not to mess up on any of the books I have written on/ Don't change anything I have written on any other books without permission by me.

3. If you have any suggestions on what to write in the book, suggest it and do not go ahead and write what you want.

4. Be nice to other each and everyone of us.

5. If we have any problems and you want to talk about it, we are here with open arms.

6. We must be able to trust you.

I will choose
the Co-owners
in a week.

Have a nice day everybody.

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