12 | Cuddling Time!

Start from the beginning

"How exactly did you convince Erissa?"

"By talking to Satori."

Blythe turned to the television and picked up the remote to turn it off.


"It's dark. Please turn on the TV, Lythe."

Blythe sighed and turned the television back on and stared at Joshua.


"I told Satori that Ryu-kun was going to hack his computer files with Sin and tell Toudou-chan all of his embarrassing secrets and search history if I didn't get the key from her."

Blythe sighed heavily and walked more closer to Joshua.

"Second question. Why are you here?"

Joshua laughed and slowly patted the spot next to him, signaling Blythe to sit down. She shook her head.

"Fine, fine. I just missed you. We haven't seen each other for two weeks because of the last Magic Government mission and since I requested Satori to give me time off, he replaced me with Yuuki-kun," Joshua explained.

"You missed me?"

"Yes, Lythe. I missed you."

Blythe raised an eyebrow at Joshua as he smiled warmly at her.

"Lythe, let's enjoy cuddle time. You, me, and this semi-comfy couch."

Blythe rolled her eyes and sat right next to Joshua.

Joshua put his arms around Blythe and snuggled his face into Blythe's chest (stay away perverts fight me this is cuddle time not sex time).

"Joshua, are you alright? Did something happen during the mission?"

Blythe felt Joshua shake his head.

"Nah. Just missed your warmth."

Joshua looked up at Blythe and winked. She shoved his face away from her chest as he laughed silently.

Blythe was starting to get annoyed at the cartoons that was on the television so she focused on Joshua's face.

She loved his hair so she started ruffling it.

"Lythe, what are you doing?"

"Enjoying cuddle time, Shua."

Joshua smiled and hugged Blythe tighter.

"Yuuki-kun would kill me if he saw us like this."

"Don't worry, I'll protect you, you big baby."

Joshua looked at Blythe, offended.

"S'cuse me? I'm not a big baby."

"Shua, you're watching cartoons."

Joshua sighed. "Lytheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee—"


"Love you."

Blythe was really close to murder.

She tightened her grip around Joshua to show how clOse she was to actually turning cuddle time into try to survive the night time.

"I love you too."

Joshua was stunned at the response, but accepted it.

Joshua felt Blythe's grip loosen as she said those four words.

"Are you hungry?" Joshua asked, looking at Blythe nervously.

"Not exactly. Wh—"

And the bear just had to make sound just then.

"Shua. Do you want—"

"No, I'm fine. I want to cuddle with you. I only have the key for today, after all."

Blythe sighed and tucked her head into Joshua's chest and smiled.

"I've always wondered, why do you have white hair?"

"Do you think I have the answer to that question?"

"Hey, I asked you first."

Blythe looked up at Joshua, who only smirked at her.

"I don't know why I have white hair, Joshua."

"Then, no, I don't think you have the answer to that question."

"Why did you ask me that then?" Blythe whispered madly.

"I don't know."

Okay, now Blythe was definitely ready for murder.

But, maybe not today. Cuddle time was more important.

And even though cuddle time is much more boring than murdering your boyfriend, that could wait.

12 | Cuddling Time!

i failed the  blyshua shippers im sorry this sucks ughg ;-; honestly this sucks its the most terrible thing ive done but thats okay ive done worse so whatever
sorry for mistakes i got too lazy to reread

i guess enjoy this sucky one shot and happy new years !! (or, new years eve)

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