Chapter 16: Some Nights

Start from the beginning

She walked to her seat, next to Nathan and Chelsea. I continued to stand at the back. Around halfway through the ceremony, the back door opened and a girl walked inside. There were so many features which I could tell were disguised, but her eyes, I would recognize those eyes anywhere.

And in that moment, I realized who Brooke was protecting.

I walked over to the girl who entered and was about to speak to her, but she said, "Wait. Until the end. I don't want to draw any attention."

I nodded, and once the final song concluded, we slipped out the back door.

"Brooke never told me she had a family," I said.

"She doesn't. She had me. No one else," the girl replied.

"Why do you have a Lab 7 file?" I asked. "That's what they were looking for, right?"

She sighed. "I have a Lab 7 file because I used to work there. I used to work with you, Kyle."

"I don't remember you."

"No, you remember Brooke. And I was Brooke, for a little while."

I shook my head. "That doesn't make any sense."

"I can explain, but only if you promise to not tell anyone what I am telling you."

I nodded. "I promise. For Brooke."

"Brooke was the original spy. I did some training alongside her, but no one knew there was two of us other than Agent Katherine. She thought that having identical twins would be a secret weapon, and she didn't want that on any records."

"Identical twin?"

She nodded. "One mission, I walked right into a trap, and I was the only one who made it out. After watching nine of my teammates get killed, I couldn't do it anymore. I left. Agent Katherine and Brooke were ok with it, because since Brooke was still there, no one would have any idea that I was an agent living in the real world. But then Brooke got sick. Really sick. And they didn't think she would make it. I visited her, and she told me of the bioweapon that she was trying to stop. That's what she was infected with and that's why no doctor could cure her. I took her place, becoming Brooke for the first time in two years. I broke in and found the cure, and destroyed the remaining samples.

"I stayed as Brooke until she recovered, and she tried to convince me to stay. Someone from the group that was making the bioweapon realized there were two of us, and that I had seen more than just the bioweapon. They knew I would have a Lab 7 file, and so tried to break in. Brooke knew that's what they were after, and she died protecting me."

"I don't believe all of this," I said.

"What don't you believe?" she commented. "That she could pull the switch off or that she didn't tell you? Because we both know what she has done to protect the people she cares about."

"I can't believe I didn't notice the difference between you two."

She smiled. "Don't worry. It's happened more than you think. Remember how there was a period that lasted about three weeks a couple of months ago when Brooke seemed to be doing a lot better with her physical tests? That was me. Brooke was off site getting surgery and Agent Katherine called me in because she didn't want Brooke to be trailed when she was at the other hospital."

"A couple of months ago? You were her for weeks and I couldn't tell the difference?"

"Kyle, the two of us have trained since we were very young to be the same person. We've fooled people much smarter than you."

"It's not about how smart I am! I was supposed to be her partner, to know everything about her and to read her no matter what. And I didn't notice that she was an entirely different person?"

"No, you never noticed when we switched."

"How often did you do it?"

She shrugged in reply. "More than you think we did."

"Does anyone else know this?"

"Agent Katherine. She knows the entire truth."

"Didn't you just tell me the entire truth?"

She shook her head. "Kyle, do you trust me?"

I nodded. "Yes. It's crazy, but I do."

"Not everything I told you was true." She turned and started walking to her car.

"Wait!" I yelled out to her. "What's your name?"

She smiled. The smile I had seen for years, had fought alongside for years. The smile from the girl I trusted with my life.

And then she said, "Brooke," and stepped into her car.

I took a deep breath as I realized the truth. I put my hands in my pockets and shook my head as I walked back inside. I felt a slip of paper in my left pocket, and I took it out and read Brooke's distinct handwriting.

Thank you for everything you did for Bella.

No, my partner was far from dead, and somehow, she saw her mission through to the end.

The End.


Hope you all have enjoyed this story!  I know the ending was a little confusing, but I'm really happy with how it turned out!  Please don't forget to vote, and comment what you thought of it!  Thanks for reading!

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