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Jim and I go to their garden and sit on the bench

"Uhm Jim?" I called

"Ne" he said

"When did you plan to say to her everything?" I ask

"I don't know what if she come back with you again?" He said

"I'll help you" I said

"Help what? To get her away from me?" He ask

"Aniyo" I said


"I'll help you" Tae said

Help me? That's possible cause you love Jae and she loves you so much

"Help what? To get her away from me?" I ask

"Aniyo" he said

I'm not dumb Tae

"I'm not dumb Tae she loves you and you love her too so if I say the truth to her she would choose you" I said

"Aniyo, I know I love her but for her sake I will let her chose you" he said

Is he being truth or just joking me

"Aniyo your just playing around" I said

"Just trust me" he said

"Wait what???" Jae ask out of nowhere


After they left I peek to them and listen to them. Ne I hear all that Tae loves me and I love him too and what's the truth?

"Wait what???" I ask out of nowhere

"Jae let me explain" Tae said

"Jagi" Jim called

"Don't Jagi me!" I yelled and ran to my parents house

"Umma!" I yelled

Appa open the door and hug me tight

"Appa what's the truth?" I ask

"What do you mean?" Appa ask

"Tae and Jim are talking lately and I heard that I love Tae?" I said curios

"Uhm dear Ne that's the truth" umma said out of the blue

"But why everyone keep this to me!" I yelled and go to Sehun oppa

"Oppa did you know the truth too?" I ask

"Let me explain baby" he said

"Why!!!" I yelled and ran but I end up in a dark alley.I felt someone is watching me so I look back and I saw a guy, not only one but two.

"Hey bro what did a pretty girl here" Guy1 said

"Ne bro let's do the thing" Guy2 said

"Don't get me pls" I beg

The guy1 held a knife and point it at me but before he can come closer to me I close my eyes waiting for the impact but I didn't felt a pain so I open my eyes and I saw the guy lying on the ground lifeless and the other is beating with a guy. But when the guy look at me its~


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