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"But Taehyung is in US" oppa said

"Wae?" I ask

"He want to go to you" he said

"Can we call him?" I ask

"Ne" he said

"Jae!" Someone yelled and it's Jim

"Oppa" I said with a bit scared in my tone

"Who is he?" He ask

"Her fiancé" Jim said

"Well well well" oppa said

"Whoa are you?" Jim ask

"Taehyung!" Oppa yelled and I saw Taehyung

"Jae!" Taehyung shout and hug me

"Who is he Jae?" Taehyung ask

"My fiancé" I said with a bit scared in my tone

"Well I'm your boyfriend and the two of you is just arrange right?" Tae said and ask

"You are right bro" oppa said

"So you are Taehyung" Jim said

"Jim!" I yelled cause Jim punch Tae

Tae punch Jim back and then they fought so I ran to Tae and hug him

"Tae! Stop!" I yelled and they stop

"Jae come with me" Jim said

"Aniyo she didn't " Tae said

"Jae come with me" oppa said and I went to him and we went in

"Oppa where's Tae?" I ask but I feel sleepy and I block out


Jae block out and I ran outside

"Tae! Jae block out!" I yelled and Tae come in. That Jim guy is about to come in but I block him

"Your not welcome in my house" I said and shut the door in his face


That Sehun guy shut his door and 2 girls approach me

"So your Jae's fiancé" Girl one said

"We can help you by the way I'm Nina" girl 2 said

"Ne we will help you to get Jae but he'll us to get Tae" Nina girl said

"Arasso" I said

"Deal?" Girl 1 said

"By the way I'm Jim" I said

"I'm Eunmi" Eunmi said

"Nice meeting you" I said

"Same" they said in unison

"So do you want to come with us?" Nina ask

"Where?" I ask

"Bar" Eunmi said

"Sure" I said and we go to the bar


We go to the bar and I saw Lovely with Baekhyun

"Lovely I love you!" Boy 1 shout

"Mianhe I don't by the way I have a boyfriend its him" she said and point to Baekhyun

"Ne I am" Baekhyun oppa said and they left the boy

I approach the boy

"Hey do you want help?" I ask

"For what?" He ask

"For lovely" I said

"Ne by the way I'm James" James said

"I'm Eunmi" I said

"So I will get Lovely for you but get Baekhyun for me arasso?" I said

"Ne deal" he said

"Come with us" I said and we go to Nina and Jim

"Jim,Nina this is James and James this is Nina and Jim" I said

"Oh Nice meeting you James, Lovely's" Nina said

"Ne he want Lovely so let's help him too like Jim" I said

"Ne" Nina said

OUR IMPOSSIBLE LOVEحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن