Whoever Said Norman Was A Good Guy?

Start from the beginning

"Don't talk to me that way," he warned.

I rolled my eyes, cursing under my breath, and heading upstairs to my room- only for 'father' to grab me by the wrist. "Hey, asshole, leave me alone."

He grasped it tighter. "What did you call me?"

I winced, falling to the floor and holding it. I could feel that I had a bruise coming, a bruise the size of a man's hand. What was the counselor at school to think when she calls me down and sees a bruised wrist? I can't make another story up, and I'm pretty sure she's caught on by now. "D-daddy... stop, I'm sorry." Let's hope using daddy actually works. It only does sometimes. Let's hope he's drunk enough not to notice it's a ruse....

His eyes widened. "I'm sorry, I didn't realize I'd hurt you." The denial phase. Typical. He's probably got like five bottles of beer in him, at the least. His pupils are dilated, his eyes red. Yep, definitely a little buzzed, which I wouldn't mind being. I've had a bad enough day, and him nearly breaking my wrist was making it worse. Thanks, dad, now I have a reason not to participate in P.E. We're playing softball, which I actually like.

Too bad I can't play...

I stood up, not responding to him, and actually went into my room this time. And for the night, I didn't plan on coming out. Skipped dinner, didn't go down for the usual drink before bed. I didn't want to run into my father again, worse could happen. I've got enough going through my head right now. And it's not just because of what Bradley said, I don't care about her. It's the fact that I can't talk to Norman; now would be a good time to... Because at least he understands...

Whoever said Norman was a good guy either? Who said he liked you?

Repeatedly, those words played in my head. I tried my hardest not to listen to them, but every time I tried, they got louder and louder.

Who said he liked you?

God, why won't these voices go away, why is she still talking?

I dug in my pockets for my phone, but then realized: SHIT, IT'S DOWNSTAIRS. It must have fallen out of my pocket when I fell down.

Realizing it was downstairs, that meant I couldn't talk to Norman unless I got the nerve to go downstairs to meet my drunken father. That wasn't worth it. I guess I'll have to wait till morning....


School was awful; as soon as I got there, I was instantly harassed by Bradley's group of 'friends,' the clique who used to like me. I guess that Bradley told them about Norman, so now they're doing this. They pushed me around, pulled my hair, and grabbed my wrist. "Did you cut yourself?" One of them asked when they saw me wince. The problem: THAT WAS THE FUCKING WRIST MY FATHER NEARLY BROKE.

I turned and punched that girl in the face with my free arm. "Leave me alone."

"Yeah, leave her alone." Norman. He came through for me..

"What are you gonna do, go psycho on me? It's a wonder you two like each other. She's an emo, and you're a psycho." The girl who grabbed me's (who I assumed was) boyfriend remarked.

"I'm not stooping to your level, Todd. Just let her go, she's done nothing to you," Norman demanded, his voice low and stern. It was also very seductive, making my heart race again, just like our kiss had before.

"She did a whole lot to Bradley's reputation. Girl code, dipshit," Todd's 'girlfriend' retorted.

"Bradley and I never dated. And maybe I wanted it to happen." Norman was gentle when pulling me away from them. He saw the bruises on my wrist, but didn't say anything. "Ridley's a lot smarter than the rest of the girls here. At least she doesn't form an opinion based off of a lying whore's words."

The 'group' gasped, most of them running off. Until Bradley was the only one remaining. Shit, this can't be good. I better keep my mouth shut...

"What's that, Norman? I'm a whore?" Bradley tapped her foot lightly on the ground. "No one ever said you were a good boy, either."

I so badly wanted to snap, but I didn't, so I just hid behind Norman with all of this happening. I had no place to talk in a situation like this, being that this conversation was between the two of them.

"Pretty much. I didn't sleep with you then leave, did I?"

Bradley snapped, "I told you not to tell anyone."

"You said nothing of the like."

Oh, shizen, this is going to get ugly. Good thing I'm keeping quiet...

I peeked around behind Norman's side, the smell of his cologne wafting into my nostrils once again. Such a familiar scent, but I can't put my finger on what the brand is. Bradley spoke once more. The subject changed. "Just warning you now, Ridley, he's no good. I only want the best for my new friend."

I wanted to bust out into a fit of laughter. FRIEND?

Whoever said Norman was a good guy?

God damn those thoughts.

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