"We are like zombies aren't we! Half dead and half alive!" Jimin laughed to his own lame joke and his laugh slowly faded away as I gave no reaction.

"Well.... that not funny?... I got no jams at all I guess...... hey! are you crying?" he bend and looked at me.

"N..no!" I hid my face with embarrassment.
"It's ok.." he tried to pat my back but I glanced at him.

"Don't! And don't think that I'm weak!" I wiped my eyes fightingback tears.

"Crying doesn't mean your weak... it proves you are  human" he got up.

"Goodnight Yu na " he closed the door leaving me alone in the room.


I couldn't sleep. I kept remembering past memories of my parents.

They died because of me and also Taehyung. Jimin risked his life because of me. Am I responsible for all these deaths?
Will my existence cause harm to Hoseok oppa and his family?
Will my death solve all these problems?

I got stuck between tons of questions.

Then I heard a weird sound. I got up and listened to it  carefully.

Foot steps!?

I freaked out even though that sound came from outside. I tiptoped to Jimins room. I thought he was asleep but he wasn't.

He had two guns in his hands. He looked at me as I entered.

"Jimin.." I whispered.
"I heard that too. Come on" he held my hand carefully leading me to the back door.

"Now listen" he held my shoulder and looked deep into my eyes.

"You must run. There are too many of them. I can't save you if you stay here. Your the one who must safe your self from now onwards. Do you understand?"

"You are gonna come back right?" I asked a silly question and I knew the exact answer he would give.
And even though its not true I wanted it to be true. No matter how much I hated him. I wanted him back.

"Yes I am. And promise me that you'll stay alive.." I nodded my head. He smiled and ruffled my hair.

"Don't get caught. Stay hidden"
"What if I got caught?"
"Then I'll save you"
"Fair enough " he smiled at my answer.

"Now go!" he pushed me towards the door.

"Go! It's already lat..."
I pulled him closer pressing my lips on his. He cupped my cheeks kissing me back, and we quickly pulled away. Then I slapped him on the face making him astonished.

"That's for Taehyung you moron!
and don't die!" I whisper screamed  and he nodded with widen eyes. I opened the door and ran as fast as I can. I had no idea where to go. The environment was totally strange to me. I just ran away... further away from the hide out.


( Narrator's pov )

Jimin waited for them to come in. The front door bang opened making a troop of gangsters enter the hide out.

Jimin had two guns with him but he got  surrounded by twelve armed gangsters.

"Oh wow! My own troop is going to kill me today? What an honour!" Jimin said sarcastically as he walked to them.

"Hand over the girl. We'll spare your life" one said as he pointed the gun at Jimin.

Jimin let out a laugh.

"Not gonna happen as long as I'm alive" he started shooting.

Four went down but a bullet went through  his leg making him fell on the floor.

The gangsters smirked as they approached towards him with his guns ready.

"See you in hell!" Jimin closed his eyes. He heard the gun sounds. But he felt no pain except the pain in his leg.

Something heavy fell on to him making him startled. He opened his eyes.  It was one of the  gangsters. Jimin widen his eyes as he saw all the gangsters laying on the floor, lifeless..

"Don't get too surprised.." jimin rose his head. He saw a man with a black hood.

"W..who are you?" Jimin asked.

"You know me...." the man bend allowing Jimin to see his face clearly.

"I'm your worst nightmare"


Hey! Enjoy the story! And it's gonna end really soon.

Love you all ❤

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