Chapter 1

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"Yes!finally!" I shouted at the top of my lungs.

" I came to my new school "

It was my fourth school. I got kicked out from my previous schools because of several reasons.

1st school - I accidentally kicked a ball to the principles head.

2nd school - I accidentally pushed a mean girl in to a toilet pit

3rd school - I accidentally burned up the library.

Actually I'm not that bad all those were accidents. But I hardly believed that my life was goning to be really nice in my new school.

I filled my lungs with fresh air and I was about to keep my first lucky step in side the school but then,


someone pushed me really hard so instead of first lucky step in side the school I ended up hitting my nose on the ground as the first step inside the school.
I rubbed my nose and turned to see the punk who pushed me.

It was a boy and he was walking away like nothing happened!

"Hey! You almost broke my nose aren't you gonna apologize!"
I shouted at him.

But he did not pay any attention.

" Yahh! I'm talking to you!" I pulled his hand. He stopped and turned to me.

" Apologize! Now!"

He smirked at me and held my shoulders  tightly and squeezed them making me yell loudly.

" So you wanna deal with me?"

He asked with a deep voice.

"Let got of me you ..."
before I said a really nice word to him a girl came to us yelling.

" WAIT!" She turned to me.
"Are you Yu na?"
" Yes now back off I'm dealing with this punk........ wait..... You know me?"

I asked her while getting confused. The girl turned to the stupid boy.
" T....Taehyung....p...please forgive her she's a new one" she said in a low voice.

Wha!? Forgive? Is she begging from him?

Taehyung looked at me once again and walked away.

" Yah! Stop right there!"

I wanted to chase him but that girl held me and pushed me backwards.

" Yu na stop it! Jebal!"
She begged me.

" Who are you and how do you know my name?"
I questioned her roughly.

" I... I'm Eun ha, monitor of your new class "

aasshhhh! So I yelled at my monitor!

I took a step backwards and bowed at her politely.

" Anyeonghasaeyo! It's really nice to meet you! But I must say, you disturbed me  becourse  of you that stupid didn't apologize to me"

I said with a disappointed voice and rubbed my nose.

" Aww! It hurts like HELL!"
Eun ha held my hand.

" Come on I'll take you to the sick room"

" No thanks I'm ok so your here to take me to the new class?"
I asked.

"Yap fellow me "
Eun ha led the way.

" Is this your 4th school?" I looked at her.
" How do you know that?"
" Well your previous schools principle sent us a letter " I got shocked but I didn't show it to her.

" Oh really? You know what, my previous principle loved so much " I said with a chuckle.

" I understand after I read the letter" Eun ha replied.

" This school is massive!" I  said loudly.
"Yap and you better be careful in here " Eun ha said.
"There some people who doesn't care about the other's"

" you mean bullies?" I asked delightfully. I always had fun by dealing with bullies.

" Yes you  must be more patient seems like your a hot tempered person." Eun ha smiled at me.

" Not really but just think, if  some one pushed you and you almost broke your nose because of him can you still be calm and silent?" I asked.

"Yes that's how this school works"
I blinked in surprise.

"Well but not on me" I walked ahead.
"But you'll be in trouble " Eun ha yelled at me.

" Who cares? Yu na doesn't" I gave Eun ha a wide smile and continued walking.

" Taehyun so your the devil in here well I'll take care of you, really soon" I muttered to myself.

(Eun ha's pov)
"This is going to be way more harder than I thought" I watched the mischievous girl who walks infront of me.

Hey guys hope all enjoyed the story, this is my first story so please correct me if I had done any mistakes. And please remember to leave a vote and a comment! Ok then see you next time! Byee!

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