Jake: How did I get so lucky Erika?

Erika: What do you mean Jake?

Jake: I mean look at what I have, I have you, Team 10, a supportive family, I make money, what else could you want in life?

Erika: you are very lucky. But what I like most about you is that I met you before you had all those things, right?

Jake: yeah

Erika: which means I've seen you before you were famous and before you had Team 10, but you still act the same way you use to when you weren't vlogging. I don't know what it is about you Jake Paul bu there's just something special about you. You make me soo happy, I have just been sick, you left your friends all having fun FOR ME, you didn't go to dinner FOR ME, I mean you just do soo much for me! I don't know if this is the most romantic place to say this but.... I love you Jake Paul...

Jake: I love you too Erika Costell, I've just been wanting to tell you for so long...

Erika grabs my face and pulls me closer to her, she kisses me.

Erika: Okay Paul, lets go to dinner!

Jake: alright Costell!

Erika: ohhh looks like we call each other by our last names now, how romantic 😂

Jake: yeah Costell

Erika's POV

Jake and I just made it to the restaurant that Team 10 are eating at. We walk over to he table and see two empty seats one was next to Tessa and one next to Kade. I sat next to Tessa and Jake sat next to Kade.

Tessa: Hey Rik, I need to go to the bathroom you want to come with.

Erika: nah I'm good

Tessa: No come on Rik let's go

Erika: okay jeez

Tessa taps Alissa on the shoulder and points towards the bathroom. Alissa gets up and follows us. We get into the bathroom.

Tessa: so did you take the test?

Alissa: yeah???

Erika: how was I supposed to Jakes been with me.

Alissa: well you better use them because me and Tessa had a lot of trouble trying not to let the fans see what we were getting.

Erika: I can imagine but I will definitely use them because I need to find out.

Jakes POV

So that was weird all the girls walked into the bathroom. I'm pretty sure I know what they're talking about. This may seem weird but I decided to tell Chanthony about what's going on, I'll Chanthony if they wanted to film something with me outside.

Jake: Hey Chanthony?

Chance: Yeah?

Jake: do you want to film something outside with me?

Anthony: I'm down!

Chanthony and me walk outside.

Jake: so I didn't really want to film anything.

Chance: what's up then bro?

Anthony: yeah?

Jake: so you know how Erika's been sick, well I walked into our room today... and I heard her say to Talissa something like, can you get me a pregnantcy test. Told tell Jake.

Chanthony: wow... how do you feel about having a kid, I mean your 20 years old.

Jake: I havent really thought about it. I mean obviously if Erika was pregnant I wouldn't leave, I mean this is mine and Erika's mistake.. why should a baby suffer?

Jerika - All We Need Is Love 🖤 *DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now