Years Passed...

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"Just let Dany sleep, okay? Don't let her drink anymore," Trixia told Hanzel since Hanzel, Reese, Leah and Joe are the ones staying a bit more in the club since they all opted to crash into Dany's apartment after.

Hanzel because he's the one not drunk (he doesn't drink period) and the designated driver and responsible adult in their clubbing tonight.

Trixia was worried for her friend because, well, she's drunk. She's open and vulnerable but she still shows signs of rational thinking. She glared at Reese when the man handed the drunk Dany another shot.

At first, Dany refused saying she's already drunk and she doesn't like pure gin, but of course Reese knows which button to push, "C'mon Dany. Don't tell me you're gonna be a wuss about this."

And Dany, BECAUSE HER BEST FRIEND COULD BE STUPID AND PRIDEFUL, took the shot. Danielle's face contorted in disgust as the drink went down her throat.

"Dude," Trixia reached over and slapped Reese on the arm. "Stop encouraging her. She's already drunk. Dany, stop drinking already. You already had too many," the strawberry-blonde was worried. Usually, Danielle knows when to stop but this time she just kept drinking as if the alcohol was water.

"That's the last one, I promise," her words slurred a bit then her head dropped in her arms.

"When one's drunk, one should be even drunker," Reese told Trixia with a smirk before reaching for his shot.

Trixia just rolled her eyes and then turned her attention to her phone.

Mike ❤️
I'm on my way, baby. Are you okay?

I'm okay. Dany though is another story. She was crying earlier after we had our girl talk, but she's okay now. Also Thea, Lilo and Josh are coming with us.

Mike ❤️
Really? Want me to call him? He's kind of blowing up my phone since the first snapchat you posted.

Mike ❤️
Want me to drop them off?

If it's not too much, baby 🙏🏻  If you want, but I doubt it would do anything. Reese, Leah, Joe and Zl are gonna be with her later. They'll take care of her

Mike ❤️
Well, they took care of you too. Plus, you told me before I date them too 😂
I'll send him a message. If I was in his place, I would want to know how you're doing.

Okiiii take care, baby 😘❤️

Mike ❤️
Love you baby ❤️

"'S'That Mike?" Thea asked as she also texted her boyfriend, Tim, she'll be going home and is just waiting for Michael.


Then a phone was ringing suddenly amidst the music in the club.

They all turned to the vibrating phone near Danielle's head. The name "Stupid Asshole" and a candid photo of Oliver flashed on the screen.

They all hid their smirks. Danielle had that stupid hobby where she nicknames her close & best friends and immediate family members with the most ridiculous names she could think of and all of their contact photo happens to be all candid. She also confessed that sometimes she forgot the names if she's the one who's going to text first since she deletes her previous conversations if it's too short and just remembers who they are when she receives a message.

Danielle lifted her head from the safe confines of her arms and grabbed her phone. She looked at her caller and took a deep breath before answering, "Yo, what's up?" She answered in a normal and sober voice, all traces of her drunkenness gone in a flash.

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