Chapter 7: Stories

Start from the beginning

"Let's do that." Billy starts.

"Huh?" I asked.

"Let's tell our secrets, I will help us."

"Okay, in got a secret." We all look at Billy as he stood up.

"I like country music."

"What?" I asked as I began to laugh.

"As a matter of fact, I love country music! And I don't...I don't miss my dad that much. I mean coming to the mine with him was all I had. But...coming to the mines with you guys is just as good."


"Biggest secret is...why're you in detention?" Jason asked.

"I blew up my lunch box."


"But it was an accident."


"Of course" Trini says.

"My lunchbox was in my locker, boom goes the lunchbox, in detention goes Billy. But let's not forget, Kimberly Hart was also in detention too so..."

"Not tonight. Skip me." Kimberly said, I gave her a questioning look, but she ignored it.

"What about you dude? Why don't you tell us who you really are?" Zack asked.

"Because everyone knows exactly who I am." Jason says.

"Okay, what about you crazy girl?" Zack said as he pointed at Trini.

"I could tell you anything and you'd have to believe me."


Trini to a swig of her drink before taking a deep breath.

"I'm the new girl, always. Three school in three years. Most crazy is, I like it that way you know, it's just easier.  Nobody ever has to get to know me, and my parents don't have to worry about my relationships. "

"Boy friend troubles." Zack says.

"Yeah. Boy friend troubles." Trini says sarcastically.

"Girl friend troubles?" Zack asked.

"My family is so normal, too normal. They believe in labels, they'd like for me to uh, dress differently, talk more, have the kinds of friends they want me to have. Just, I don't know how to tell them what's really going on with me."

We all look at her,  her life sucks, all of out lived suck, I guess that's what we have in common.

"I never said any of this out loud."

"Oh, that's cool. Your with us now." Billy said.

"Am i?"

We a look at Trini, wondering what she means.

"What does that mean? When all of this is over. Are we Power Rangers or...are we friends?"

We all look at eachother, thinking about Trini's question.

"What about you?" Trini asked.

Everyone then looked at me.

"Yeah, what's your story Mexican chick?" Zack asked.

I sighed as I stood up, taking a swig of the drink in my hand before taking a deep breath.

"Okay, I'm the school delinquent. The screw up. The whole town hates me...bad grades, I talk back, I think I'm a bad ass."

They all look at me as I look at the ground.

"Here, everyone expects you to act as certain way....and once you's all your known for, nothing else... I came to America 3 years ago. With my mom and my little brother."

I tear tan down my cheek and I quickly wiped it away.

"My uh, my dad died, three years ago back in Mexico, hit and run. My mom thought we would have a better live here, not for me, but for my brother, I love him so much...he's my best friend...but uh, he gets bullied, beat up...because of me, my mom has to put up with everyone telling her how much of a screw up I am, but my mom, she never believed them. But uh, I screwed up, I was a total ass to my mom, and she didn't deserve it."

"What'd you do." Zack asked.

"Eres lo peor."

They all gave me a questioning look.

"I told her that she was the was the first time I've ever said something like that to her, and I hurt her, and I hate myself for it, I showed her that I am the screw up that everyone says I am, I act like this to get away from the pain and, I guess to try to forget my dad, makes it easier. If you act how everyone thinks you act then it's better for me, no questions and no one telling me their sorry or some lame shit."

I take one more swig of my drink while I wipe my eyes.

"I've never had anyone to talk to about this, I guess being with you guys makes me feel like I belong here in this shitty town, and I guess that by being a Power Ranger, it would make up for all the things I've done, instead of seeing a piece of shit, my family will see me as a hero, not some messed up teen."

I wipe away my tears as I quickly sat down.

"Don't tell anyone about this or I swear I'll hurt you all."

Everyone began to laugh, I saw Zack stare at me out of the corner of my eye. I turn towards him and gave him a sad smile. One by one they al left, leaving only Zack and I. We were silent at first, until he decided to speak.

"You uh, have a pretty messed up life."

"So do you."

"Well yeah, but compared to you, you've been through way more then I have."

"What's your point."

"Oh uh, I was just trying to find a way to sat sorry."


"You know, for almost killing you today, for being a douch and a smart mouth..."

"I get it, your a complete jerk."

"Yeah, can I make it up to you?"

I stared at him as he rubbed the back of his neck.

"Okay, then how will you make up for all of that."


"Are you asking me out on a date?"


I look at him to see if he's joking, but he looks so nervous, I sigh as I nod my head.

"I guess, but only when this whole hero thing blows over."


"Yes really, now say something before I change my mind."

"Oh uh, sweet, after this all blows over."


I then grabbed my bag and saluted to Zack.

"I'm out loser, see ya later."

He laughed as he packed up his things, a soft smile formed on my lips.

"Night Zack." I said as I kissed his cheek, seeing his figure completely freeze, I laughed as I walked away and towards home. Today's been a hella of a day!

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