Chapter 6: Lost Hope

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I groaned as I got up from bed

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I groaned as I got up from bed. I quickly showered and got dressed.

(This is her outfit for the day, just without the glasses

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(This is her outfit for the day, just without the glasses.)

After I got dressed, I ate a quick breakfast, I turned on the news to hear a in treating story.

"Residents of Angel Grove are feeling the shock. Fear had the town on edge. This series of murders has police baffled as police have linked the loss of gold to each crime scene. What is now being dubbed Angel Grove's Gold Killer'. Is still on the loose."

I sigh as I turn off the news, I pull out my phone and try to call my aunt.

Ring, ring

I watch as the line goes red, ignored, of course. I grabbed my keys and head out the door and drove to school. School goes by and here I am with Billy, Jason, Trini and Kimberly at lunch.

"You hear about the murders?" I asked as I picked at my food.

"Yeah, crazy right."

"Yep." I said as I popped the P.

I sighed as I slammed my head against the table.

"You okay?" Jason asked.

I slowly raised my head to look at him.


They all raised an eyebrow.

"Ugh! You guys are so noisy!"

"Well your down, and we're your friends, I mean, before you used to ignore me and would never do the partner work and-"


He stopped as he looked at Kimberly.

"Get to the point."

"Right. Uh, my point is that you can tell is what's up."

I looked at him as they all nodded.

"Just lonley." I mumbled as I put my head into my arms.

"How are you lonley?" Trini asked.

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