Oh, nevermind

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So you guys really like this? Since people keeping voting this might as well update it for you guys. 


I slouched walking tiredly towards the building I'd have to be in for the next seven hours. Seven hours with nearly no sleep, and what happened yesterday still on my mind. I was still confused about why Pete had helped me. That still didn't block out what happened with Craig. It still stung. Well of course it did it just happened yesterday. Didn't change the fact that it was painful. Both physically and mentally. My side ached from where I was kicked. I think there is a bruise there. I wouldn't really be shocked. I wonder if I should hang with the goths today. I'm not sure I can skip though. Pretty sure I have never skipped before. 

"You spacing out?" I jumped squeaking. My body spun around looking up into a pair of dark brown eyes. "I. . I. . uh. . " I blanked stuttering my face heating up. Pete chuckled "Sorry I didn't mean to scare you." He leaned on the lockers beside mine. I tried to ignore the stares I could feel from around the hallway. "It's alright." I mumbled as I looked away and finished switching my books from my bag to my locker. Pete flipped his hair huffing as a pair of foot steps approached."What do you think you're doing Emo?" The words spit from his mouth as I looked at him from the corner of my eyes. Craig glared at Pete. They were eye to eye. The red and black haired goth blinked looking around. Craig growled looking to me than back to Pete. He clicked his tongue storming off. I watched as he left me with the tall goth.

 Pete huffed rolling his eyes. He looked down to me "Will you be alright alone?" I stared at him closing my locker slowly "Hm I think I will be fine." The flicked his hair nodding "Alright I'll see you after school. If you need anything we'll be out back. Oh and are you working today?" I shook my head keeping my eyes low. Pete looked around the hallway "Okay I'll see you later." The taller teen messed with my hair walking back to the front doors of the school. 

The movie or documentary that the substitute had put on was white noise. I could hear the faint whispers of the other kids gossiping. "I heard they had a big fight." "I heard one of them was caught cheating." "Oh I heard he slept with Annie."

 My hands involuntarily tugged at my hair. How had anyone hear anything? Has Craig been say things. I only told the goths and it's not like they talk to  anybody, or go on social media. I laid my forehead on the cold metal desk breathing in deeply. My breaths were rapid as I tried to calm down. The voices felt like they were going to drown me. People stood up around me once the bell rang. Signaling the end of class. At this rate I'm not sure I can get through school. I dragged myself to my next class hoping I couldn't hear the voices again. 

The last bell finally rang and I rushed to my locker. Hurriedly I switched out books silently praying to anything that I won't see Craig. I shrieked as a hand smacked on the lockers beside mine. 

"Whoa, I'm sorry didn't mean to scare you just wanted to ask if you were alright." I slowly opened my eyes squinting at the person who had spooked me. The orange parka wearing boy looked at me with concern. I shrunk back slightly closing my locker and hefting my bag. "I. . I'm . fi. . fine." My words came out louder than I had meant turning heads as I shrunk back more wanting to disappear. "Sor. . sorry. . a . .lot has . .happ. . happened I'm. . a little s. . stressed." He nodded. 

Kenny I believe if I can remember correctly. His eyes were a silvery blue. If it was any time but than I would've felt honored to just talk to him. Kenny was know around school, town even, just by looks. He had grown a good few inches since middle school. Getting a few piercings along the way. There was rumor that he has slept with pretty much everybody that would let him. He gave a look and most people would melt. If I hadn't been drained from recent events I would've jumped the chance to hang out with him. I just couldn't bring myself to ditch Pete though. I knew how it felt for someone to flake on you. Even if I hadn't promised anything out right. 

I blinked up at the blue eyed wonder. He had his hood down showing off his messing blond hair. He smiled at me warmly. My face heated up "No worries Tweekers." Kenny ruffled my hair. I huffed at the nick name "I wanted to hear from you that you were okay, because I've heard a lot floating around."  I grimaced "hm yeah." I mumbled rubbing the back of my neck. He smiled again showing surprisingly white teeth. "So are you alright?" His voice was gentle. A lump formed in my throat. Instead of speaking I nodded noticing that the hallway had cleared of most students. Kenny didn't seem one hundred percent convinced but didn't push the subject. "Don't let anyone get to you Tweek." He nudged me softly smiling as he walked away. 

Pete walked up to me as I exited the school building. My mind still swirling from the interaction Kenny. We both walked quietly down the icy side walk. My breath steamed collecting in the air as I sighed. "Do you know who Kenny McCormick is?" I looked up to the brown eyed goth who shrugged. "That blonde who always wears an orange parka and hangs with Stan's group?" I nodded rubbing my hands together as we walked. 

"I've heard that he has fucked almost everybody in our school." His voice than trailed off as he said something about hearing he was pretty hot to. I stared blankly at him before looking down at my hands. "Well he talked to me after school. It was really weird." My eyes widened as I realized I wasn't stuttering. Pete let out a puff of light gray smoke watching as it flew in the cold air. "Kenny is a pretty nice person. I'm not surprised he was worried. That or he wanted to get into your pants." He snorted at his own words. My face got heated and my horrible stuttering returned "Wh. . what?!. .. ke. . Ken. . Kenny w. . would think about sleeping with m. . me?" I was close to screaming as I rushed to cover my cheeks. Pete snorted again "My guess is at this point you, Craig and the goths are the only people he hasn't slept with." He suddenly stopped shaking his head mumbling an apology. I shook my head "No really you are probably right."

I finally got home, finally. Butters opened the shop and had no problems, I always have him text me about what happens. Pete had walked me home the awkwardly left me to go inside. He said something about having plans. My back was pressed against my couch, the TV played some weird 'reality' show. Something in my stomach told me I should be doing something.I can't think of what. All I know is that it's more that sitting here staring at a TV, without really watching it. Talking to somebody? Cleaning my room? Seeing if I need to buy groceries? Maybe I could do that. Really though all I want to do is talk to Pete. I can't understand why.  He just seems to make me feel better. 

My hand reached for my phone. Blinking I stared at the background. It was still Craig. I had yet to change it. I typed the pass code opened Facebook quickly looking for Pete's profile. I found a picture f him, examining it I saved it to my device. Than before I could set the new wallpaper the small box vibrated. Yelping I throw the phone down on the floor. Shakily I took a breath picking it back up and reading the message I had gotten. 

Pete- You still have nothing to do?

I nodded as if he could see me 

-I'm still free. Why?

He replied quickly. 

Pete- Could you meet me at the coffee place?

-Yeah I'll be there in a moment. 

Confused at why he didn't answer the question. I pushed the thought away and got up to get ready to go. 

I got to the shop looking in I saw Butters manning the register. I scanned the Cafe looking for Pete, he wasn't inside. "Over here Tweek." a voice spook next to me. I jumped looking down Pete sat on the Bench outside the small shop. "Oh. . hey." The goth patted the seat next to him. I shuffled over the frozen sidewalk and sat beside him. My gaze drifted along his face. He was smoking a cigarette blowing smoke into the ever darkening sky. As I watched him a noticed a dark mark on the side of his face. It was on Pete's cheek. I reached up and traced it along the outside. Pete visibly flinched pulling away. My heart sank "Pete what happened?" He didn't say something for a long moment, not looking toward me. Shaking his head he spoke with a sigh "Nothing to worry about. I just had to take care of some. . ." Pete paused and looked at me ". . . business." I flushed upset that he hadn't told me "What kind of business?" Pete looked away again. "Somebody needed to be put back in there place. Shown where they belonged, nothing more." 


Sorry it wasn't very long, or interesting. I'll update again soon.

I hope you liked it.

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