Chapter One

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     I stood on my toes, holding back salty tears as my eyes scanned small holes in the corner of my favorite white and black poster.  I'd put that piece of paper up more times than I could count on my fingers.  I reached down with a lame attempt at grabbing the last thumb tack that I needed to pin into the wall.  Due to my clumsiness,  and what seems to be infinite bad luck,  I just ended up knocking the whole tub over.  In a snap,  my sadness turned into rage.  This quickly resulted in a my need to calm down,  coupled with the fact that I hadn't smoked for at least 12 hours. I stepped of the stool and maneuvered around the tracks,  trying to get to the door.  As soon as my hand made contact with the freezing door knob, I heard all to familiar voices bickering. Deciding it was best not to get involved,  I strolled over to the window. I was quick to ignore that the glass had been shattered,  we wouldn't be here for long anyways. I slowly pulled the frame open and climbed out the roof,  grabbing my pack of cigarettes off the nightstand as I went.
The frosty wind was biting at my ears,  and I almost immediately regretted leaving my coat in the car.  My thought slowed as I watched flame dance over the end of my cigarette.  I soon felt the comfort of nicotine fill my lungs.  After taking a couple long drags when I noticed a boy stepping out of a red,  outdated truck
     He had headphones in and a skateboard in his hand.  It didn't seem clear if he was looking at me or something behind me,  but I didn't want to turn around to find out.  I put the cigarette out,  flinging it from the roof and watching it fall to the street before turning around and climbing into my room again.  There was loud yelling coming from my parents,  but it wasn't unusual.  I turned to look out my window to see him staring through his at me, I watched for awhile before I notice his head move and I caught myself daydreaming, I shot my head down to look at the desk under the window and with a slight smile I couldn't help hut have a feeling,  like he was watching something. Watching me
     I fell asleep that night thinking of what happened,  about him.  I woke up in the middle of the night to the sound of a window opening,  I jolted up and grabbed the baseball bat hidden beneath my bed. I reached towards the lamp and with a swift hit I was thrown off of my bed,  I screamed loud,  until I saw nothing but black.  I heard nothing but I could feel moving,  my boy went left, then right.  Then left once more.  Then finally straight.  I woke up and didn't see anything but a bright light,  I squinted slightly before hair fell to cover most of my face,  then somethjng spoke " faith"  I couldn't quite make out the sound,  but I knew it wasn't human. The sound pierced  my ears like a million sharp needles. I jolted my head every which way when the voice spoke again.  It was the worst thing I have ever heard. "welcome to our little nightmare"
     I woke to the sound of my alarm going off,  I jolted from my bed pretty much falling until I catch myself on the table beside my bed.  I hit the alarm off. Not know my own strength. Or rather,  how asleep my arm was.  The alarm fell from the table with a loud crash I could hear my mother yelling,  I decided to ignore her.  I had gotten use to it,  I walked to my closet and out on a light blue sweater that matches my hair and pulls in skinny jeans and Adidas. I looked in my broken mirror to do most of my makeup. I then headed down the stairs and by my mom heading out the door,  I had grabbed my black bag in the way out and out it over my shoulders.  I jumped on my bike and began down the driveway.
     It didn't take long until I arrived at the school,  I pulled the bike into the spot it was meant to be at and pulled a chain from My bag,  wrapping it around the pool and the bike and locking it.  I headed for the office,  and sure enough.  The boy from the next door had cut me off,  he smiled at me but said nothing.  We both headed into the office and got our schedules,  we didn't have to say our names due to the fact we where placed with two different secretary's. We headed out the office and to our fist class,  of course.  It was English.  I sat in my seat,  a whole two seats away from him before the teacher spoke "Faith may wood!" I stood up and sighed walking to the front I began talking.  "hello all,  my name is Faith.  My friends call me fay, but please don't plan on it.  I don't want to make friends while I'm here and I really just want to be left alone. " I walked without hesistaion to my seat and sat down,  then I heard it as the teacher talked again "Ares Lee Smith?" my eyes shot to the boy from next door and I though 'thats his name'.   I spent the rest of the class thinking about him,  I couldn't help it. Then the bell rang.
     The rest of the day went by in a rather sort of blurr. He was in most of my classes. But nowhere to be seen. I was also busy drawing in my sketch book. There was nothing that could break my attention from drawing. Not even Ares.  Especially when I know everything that the teachers are doing. I don't understand why teachers think that if your from a different state,  you dumber than the kids raised here.  When actually I'm pretty sure I know more.  It was ninth period.  A few minutes till the bell rang,  by the time I was done packing up the bell had rang,  like thunder I was gone from the room and to my house within minutes. Ares was nowhere to be found.  But I didn't mind. Just more time to sleep,  I walked in the house and up the stairs.  I knew that dinner wasn't ready. And probably wouldn't be.  I had lived all the way across the world about a few days ago,  it felt like I had been up all night and it was now morning.  I fell onto the bed and didn't even change.  I hugged the pillow and closed my eyes before I drifted to sleep,
and then I heard it.
" welcome to our little nightmare. "

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2017 ⏰

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