//Chapter 30//

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Newt's POV

It was the next day and the world had seemed to take on a nasty gloom, when really the sun we couldn't see still shined. I hadn't gotten any sleep last night. How could I when I knew what was to come. I didn't get up for breakfast and I was grateful when no one came looking for me.

I knew that by the afternoon Ben would be in the maze and would be dead before morning, meanwhile Malaya still hadn't woken up. I was losing my mind more and more every day. I needed Malaya back, Minho has become so much more annoying than usual. He has shut himself off and if you so much as look at him he gets grumpy at you, he needs his friend back.

Bark has become just as miserable, he hardly runs out in the maze according to Minho. He said that Bark looks for her out there, thinking that she's lost. We weren't letting Bark in her room because he might jump on her and hurt her. Besides, if the dog knew she was in there he'd be at the door 24-7.

I still wasn't out of bed by lunch time, I could feel myself getting hungry, but I couldn't drag myself to do it. I just didn't have the energy or the emotion to even think about going out there.

I stayed there in the silence for god knows how long, but then slowly, something started breaking my silence, a loud bang and a chilling scream came from down the hall, I heard a door burst open as the scream got louder before the door was slammed shut.

What the hell Is going on?! I sat upright in bed as footsteps came rampaging down the hall, my door was burst open as Jeff came tripping through the door, his face was filled with shock and his chest was heaving with frightened breaths.

"What the bloody hell is wrong with you, Man?!"

I yelled and Jeff panted, leaning over as he caught his breath, he looked like he had jumped out of his skin and klunked his pants a few hundred times over. Jeff swallowed hard before he shook his head at me.

"Don't worry about me Newt. Malaya just woke up and she's gone shucking mad, she didn't even know who I was. I think I know what's going on with her, come quick before she kills Clint"

Jeff begged and I jumped out of bed storming after him, Malaya is awake? It had been ages, but what was wrong with her? why didn't she remember Jeff? she knew Jeff well. Well if she's going to remember anyone it will be me, I spend the most amount of time with her.

I chewed my lip as I jogged down the hall with Jeff, he said he might know what's wrong with her? does that mean they can help her? god I hope so.

We reached the door and I could hear the screaming and yelling quite clear, Laya was yelling at Clint, she said he was a doctor and that she didn't want the needles anymore. while Clint was shouting at her to remain calm and that he wasn't a bad doctor with needles.

I flung the door open and I was sick to the stomach immediately, she was pale as snow and her hair was a mess, her eyes were dark with large pupils and her face was streaked with tears. When we walked over to her she whined, hugging her knees and hiding her face as she rocked back and forth.

"No, No, No, No, No. No more needles please. Send me to the maze instead, no more tests"

I was shocked, what did she mean "send me to the maze instead" she was already here. I looked at Clint as he rushed around the room looking for something he couldn't seem to find. I swallowed hard as he started yelling.

"She's living within a memory, she is hallucinated, seeing things from her past. She doesn't remember reality"

Clint started yabbering and I looked at him in confusion, he wasn't serious, was he? why would she be hallucinating? All she saw was a stupid plague on those stupid maze walls. My throat dried up as I shook my head, I didn't care, I just wanted to know if he could help her.

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