Chapter Ten

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Liam stares up at me in silence as I inject some antibiotics into his bloodstream.

"You were the one dancing on my chest..." he says weakly. "I guess I should say thank you...?"

"For using your chest as the dance floor?" I look down at him as I dump the used needle into the tray with the rest of the rubbish I used to clean out his arm and take out the IV. I then shove all the supplements at Moon, who was going to be spoon feeding the slightly warmed up rice porridge with the consistency of glue and a few wild mushrooms and an egg thrown in.

"For saving me..." It seemed he felt he needed to clarify.

"Moon made an offer I couldn't turn down." I step back and let Moon through with the food and the tablets.

"I can imagine," He winces as he tries to sit up, "She can be persuasive -whoa!-" throwing an arm out as he loses strength and balance. I catch it and help Moon support him to get him sitting up. "Thanks...Sorry..."

"Shut up and tell me if it's too hot for you to eat," Moon hushes him while offering the spoon filled with the gruel.

"I can't do both," he chuckles but is cut off when she jams the spoon in his mouth. "Ok, easy. It's warm enough."


I turn to the feeling of someone tugging on the hem of my shirt and look down to see Poppy with my serving of food. I nodded a thank you before she scurries away again. I even noticed that she's snuck a few more fillings and even an extra egg into my share. I hide a smile as I sit down and eat it without question. I had a funny feeling she's taken the extra egg from her share but I was too hungry and selfish to argue back her kind gesture.

After finishing the bowl, I place it down on the ground before getting back up. "Well, if that's everything, then I'm gonna go back to my room."

Moon nods, "Thanks, Luke."

As I was heading to the hallway for the stairs, I notice Echo and a small boy with a piercing gaze heading through the door.

"Echo?" Moon seemed surprised to see the pair.

The small boy was a stark contrast to Echo. His black hair fell like a wet mop about his face and had dark olive skin from being out in the sun a lot. But it was his piercing, almost unnatural green emerald eyes that were ludicrously enchanting. When his eyes fell on me, I imminently thought of a hawk. I hazard a guess that this is 'Shadow'.

I internally sigh and stop, turning around to see what was going on, my curiosity winning in the internal contest that was waging on in my head.

Echo smiles at Liam, "Good to see your blood inside your body for a change, Liam."

"Hello to you too," he grins, completely unaffected by her.

"Anyway, forest group..." Echo seemed to have switched gears in her head. "They were definitely surprised when we said 'hello'. It seems we bumped into their 'city raiding' party just before they were about to move out. Anywho, their leader is a bit...jumpy. He's staying away from any major roads and cities like a hunted looks like they have some sort of shadow dogging this group and by the sounds of it, for a really long time. ...Sorry for the wordplay, Shady. But I guess it fits," she chuckles, nudging him with her elbow.

The boy rolls his eyes, "Ok, you're done, let me continue. I know their leader. His name's Ghost."

...I'm not sure if I should find this naming thing amusing or tiring.

"We were part of a bigger tribe...but things happened and we all kinda went different ways. It doesn't really matter." His eyes shifted over to me, obviously not comfortable to divulge any more information on his past with the elephant-shaped stranger in the room. Everyone has their secrets. Though considering I've been here for a while now, you'd think they'd let up a little. But that being said, this is first time Shadow and I have been in the same room... "The point is, he is open to talks with you, Moon. For now. It's probably a good idea to meet with him in the forest, not in the city, while he's still hanging around. If Ghost is anything like I remember...once he's made his mind up, he won't change it."

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