Chapter Five

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A/N: Been a while...and it's a bigger than normal chapter...sort of


He leads me through the front doors of all things. Smashed to smithereens, save for the sad scratched golden frames, barely hanging onto the hinges. Inside was just as defaced; wallpaper torn in uneven shreds and graffiti on almost all surfaces. The front desk that would have been the server with the key-cards and shit was now reduced to target practice with what I would guess have been a mallet with the cracks and hunks of marble and dust scattered on the floor around it.

He steers us down into a giant function room, the chairs and tables strewn about like a maze causing us to dodge passed objects as to not trip on them. It was set for war. I watch Blondie take to jumping over a side like a hurdle, putting distance between us. My brow furrows at his sudden tactics but still manage to easily catch up by side stepping the bends.

"Really good on your feet! You could probably outrun even me," he chuckles, I had to concentrate to hear what he said, the rain almost taking out any noise. As I step in time with him we make it to a pair of double doors into a blacked out kitchen. We swing the doors open with a crash and begin to half jog down one of the three aisles, he pulls up suddenly in front of me, giving barely anytime to put on the brakes before smashing into his back. Looking passed him I see that there are two girls, roughly my age carrying a large pot between them looking back just as startled as I felt.

"Whoops," Blondies smirk is really starting to piss me off. One of the girls pushes forward while the other shrinks back. Blondie takes to sliding over one of the long tables into another aisle, leaving me alone with the girl charging forward while picking up a used large knife, ready to run me through. My reflexes allow me to shirk back to the side and follow Blondie over the bench and down to the other side, only to come face to face with the other frightened girl. Stepping away from her, I see that the others from Dark Sol and Bass's group were beginning to pour in from the doors.

"Where you going, Horror?" Bass's taunting voice drips in as he appears in the doorway. At closer quarters I was able to confirm that he was definitely the boy from before, riding on top of a police car.

"Love to stay and chat. Talk about the good old times...but I'm afraid I have an appointment to keep." Blondie backs up to the doors on the far side of the restaurant-kitchen before disappearing into the darkness behind them. I shuffle quickly passed the girl, falling through to the other side, coming face to face with pitch black darkness.

I realise that we are in an underground carpark and drop-off zone for produce and such that was needed to keep the motel functioning. Taking a swift footed turn towards a hard to see ramp down, I could tell that Blondie knew exactly where he was going, and Bass and half the neighbourhood were still hot on our heels.

"Can't run forever!" Bass was starting to gain speed on the both of us as we were starting to tire. My breath was lagging and splintered in my rib cage and I could see that Blondie was starting to show similar signs of exhaustion. But he still moved towards what I see was a half open heavy metal roller door.

"Been successful so far," Blondie mutters beside me.

"Not so fast!" A girl roars for behind us. I turn to see a remote in her hand and something clicked in my brain to full-throttle it. Speeding passed Blondie, I see the door starting to go down. They had somehow managed to find a power source to remotely control the door. Just as I saw the slimmer of freedom getting smaller and smaller, I almost reach it, only to have my feet tripped and I tumble to the ground, grazing everything on the way down. When I look up, I see the Cheshire grin on the bastard's face as he just makes it through the closing gap, "Sorry kitty. Entertain them for a while, won't you?" and he was gone. Leaving me here dazed with the pack of wolves on this side of the door.

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