Chapter Seven

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When I come back with the equipment, I see that Moon had jumped in the bed, under the covers beside the guy, staring at his face in a trance.

I ignore the situation and grab his arm as another, smaller girl who could only between ten and thirteen, rushes in to put a thick doona over them both before flitting away like I was threatening her with the needles.

"You said he needed warmth," Moon states defensively.

"Did I say anything?" I ask without looking up from the tray, locating a needle. After a while, I ask, "What is his name?" distracting myself as I clean the inside of his elbow with alcohol wipes, prepping him for the drip.

"Liam." Moon's voice was soft.

Doesn't explain why her name is 'Moon'. As I hook him up, I decide to re check the wound. The bandage only had a few spots of red, which meant that at least the bleeding slowed down. "I'm going to need to change this again in about an hour," I mutter more to myself than to anyone else in the room as I tuck both the leg and his arm under the blankets. I dump the rubbish I made back into the tray and move to sit down, leaning against the bed, my head resting on the mattress as I look at the dull ceiling.

With that we remained in silence as the rain continued. I took to looking outside the large area, shielded by the glass windows that looked out over an overgrown lawn with a large pond filled with lily-pads and water plants. The water was almost flooding out onto the lawn, turning it into a swamp.

I was also monitoring his breathing. Shallow, as expected but it wasn't irregular. I then had to wonder, "Did he lose consciousness or was he knocked unconscious?" I ask out to the thin air.

Shirtless wonder, River answered after a few seconds, "He was hit in the head but he slipped into sleep while we tried to drag him back."

I look over at him, "So he might have concussion as well..." Let's add to the list of complications. I rub my face with my hand, "I want my bag back."

Moon must have nod at River as I saw him turn around and head out the door. Moments later, my bag lands on the floor in front of me and it sounded way too light. I checked it's insides and sure enough my bag was empty. Well, aren't these assholes funny.

"The contents as well. You can keep the food, but I want my stuff back."

"You don't need the knife." River grumbles.

I hold in my rising irritation, "Yes I do. The maps, pens and my books as well." He met me with an immoveable wall of silence and I was grinding my teeth, knowing that they wanted to get a rise out of me. I let out a breath. "Moon, I need my maps at the very least."

"We'll see," she responds.

I frown but let it slide, I chucked my bag back at River, who caught it easily and disappeared with it. What good will arguing with them do? I was the one with the disadvantage the moment I ran into Blondie. I am outnumbered and outstripped when it comes to resources. I was caught in a trap and now suffer the consequences. I am the outsider and the unknown factor. They are used to a system where they all serve a specific role and I'm upsetting it.

It would be interesting to observe but I'm stuck in the middle of it and as someone who enjoys playing from the shadows, it's an uncomfortable place to be.

"...Luke..." Moon's somewhat rushed voice broke me out of my reverie.

I look back and see that Liam was waking up and it wasn't in a calm fashion either.

His eyes open wide in shock and began thrashing around in a panic. He took a blind swipe at me that I dodged as I try to hold him down. "Don't just stand there," I snap at everyone around me. "Hold him down before he rips open the stitches!" But I knew that what said was useless since I could see blood staining through the blankets, heavily. Fucking hell!

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