6 months later, I'm still not with you. Reality check , I gotta new boo.

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Next day...1:37pm... St.louis ,Missouri - drury plaza hotel

RayRay's p.o.v


There's a possibility that baby is mine that nia has... 2 babies by 2 girls, man my life is fuck'd.

I'm heading to nia and tool's room and no matter what , she's going to talk to me. I knock and then cover the peep hole

Nia: who is it?

Me: (does prince voice) prince

Tool: (opens door) really? dude you are 14, act like it

Me: whatever (pushes past him)

Nia: (looks up) ray why are you here

Me: we need to talk

Nia: no we don't

Me: is it mines nia

Nia: what are you talking about?

Me: nia is the baby mines

Nia: (laughs)

Me: what's so funny

Nia: it was a fake pregnancy test ray

Me: really? Why would you lie about getting pregnant

Nia: (starts to tear up) I wanted you to hurt , you cheated on me and your acting like its ok

Me: I tried to get you back

Nia: obviously not hard enough

Me: I'm sorry for everything, for being tempted, for getting evie pregnant, and everything that I have ever done to hurt you

Nia: right now sorry isn't good enough

Me: what else do you want from me

Nia: I want you to realize whats happen in the last week

Me:I have

Nia: really, cause you dont know how much pain you've caused... I was on the edge of overdosing until Jacob stopped me, you made me feel dead inside... I trusted you when you said you wouldn't hurt me, when you said I was going to be your first everything

Me: please give me one more chance

Nia: why? So you can screw me over again

Me: Nia

Nia: no

Me: please

Nia: why?

Me: I want to show you that I'm sorry

Nia: I don't think your girlfriend is going to like it

Me: me and evie are not dating

Nia: fine , I'll be nice . cause as we all know karma loves me. (laughs) that bitch cannot stay away from me

Me: my room at 8 tomorrow

Nia: ray

Me:(leaving) don't be late

I walk to my room to find evie there

Me: why are you here?

Evie: good news and bad news

Me: bad

Evie: well can I tell you them at the same time


Evie: good news were not going to be parents and bad news the pregnancy test eff'd up our life for a week and I wasn't even pregnant

I hugged her then let go

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