{|<~Ughh life is tuh much ~>|}

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This chapterz is on thanksgiving yayyyyyty! Well enough of my crazii-ness ima get tuh dat story yo! Hahaha ok now I'm just being creepy. P.S. i have my hair braided like ray-ray's ... pics will be up because if i di say so myself i loook Kewtt. Loolz um soo funtyyy.

{a/n: skipping to december .. Sorry i forgot to tell y'all that in the last chapter}

•Ray-ray's p.o.v.• We sat there with silence between us until she finally spoke. " im sorry ray i really do love you but i dont think me being in the group is helping our friendship and maybe our relationship idk what we are or what We were going to be , but i need to leave i can take all this confusion ...I-I'm done rayray with everything" then she ran to the edge of the roof and and

Stood on top of it " what do you think you are doing Nia ! " i yelled and ran to where she was..... " step any closer to me rayray and im foing to fall ti my death" "seriously nia dis you take your pills this morning" "shut the fuck up ray this is not a joke". THen people started to gather on the street below us... So i called kait .^~ Phone Convo~^. [K] hello? Ray-ray where dis y'all go and what happened between you and nia. [Me] get up on the rooftop now nia's about to jump off and kill herself. [K] what why? [Me] just get down her gosh. *end of convo*.

Like five thousand minutes later i saw prod run up the ladder and The rest of the crew behind him.

Roc: wait nia i love youuuu.

Then we all stared at him

Roc: uh i meant dont do it i'll miss you alot... yea thats wht i meant

Then we turned back to nia

Nia: thanks but this world is too complicated

Me: nia if you don't get down from there I'm coming up With you

Nia: no i -i wont let you die because of me you actually have lots of fans that care about u my life is just fuc'd up

Me: nia my life is nothing without you, it has no meaning, i love you and i am willing to die for you or with you to make sure you know i love you

Nia: ray i do but....

Then she jumped down off the edge

And kissed me on the lips

Nia: i cant take this, you, prod, jacob

Then she jumped back up on the edge

Nia: i love you guys

And she leaned foward then i grabbed her and put her over my shoulder

Nia: ......

I took her back to the apartment w/ the 'crew' following behind me, when we got to the apartment i layed nia down in our bed so she could take a nap then went in the living room to have a meeting... im siprised she didnt put up a fight

Prince:(whispers) she is deffinatley crazy

Me: why are you whispering

Prince: (whispers) thay girl got ears like a hawk and i dont wanna have a funeral

Me: anyways i didnt think she was going to blow up on me like that

Alex: what happened?

Me: well, i went in there and told her i wanted to do 'it' and that we could be each others first and she gave me this ultimatum about im not ready and stuff so i yelled at her and told her i loved her then walked out the door and she followed me to the roof top cause thats where i go when i want to be alone and then she told me she cant take all this drama and she didnt want to hurt our relation ship if we had one so she said she wanted to say good bye to the world and thats when i called Kait

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