Tears . Everday. Through .My. Battle .Of .Life. ~part1~

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ok this chappy iz going to be kinda sad and Nia is going to really messed up @ the end of this chapterz sooo yea(p.s im finally updating from a computer again cause im still trying to type without messing up and trying to prevent my fingurz from hurting becuase of my iphone4.. well yea onto the story )

Nia's p.o.v +

so wen i got donee talking to the boys

that i think seriously has some mental

problems i got a call

{Phone call}

me: hi miss dorin

ms.dorin: (crying)

me: are you ok ms.dorin?

ms.dorin: no, its about kortneigh

Then i started tearing up becuase me and my sister knew kai and her sister since...FOREVER!!!!

me: what about kortneigh?

ms.d: promise you wont tell kait until the plane ride

me: o-o-ok , i promise

ms.d: Kortneigh got stabbed at a party!! (crying even more)

Those words killed my insides or maybe froze them.. my mind went blank and i couldnt say anything, the tears came pouring out and my throat closed up

me: What!!! Who!! How!

ms.d: she tried to break-up a fight

me: miss dorin i'll call you when our plane lands, we'll catch one first thing tomorrow morning(drying tears)

ms.d: ok nia

me: thanks for telling me ms.d

ms.d: no problem nia .. make sure you comfort my baby

me: i will love you

ms.d: love you too!

i hung up , while drying the last of my tears and fixing my make-up to the way it was, so know one could suspect what was going on...me .. crying.. I.NEVER.CRY...EVERR

then rayray knocked on the door .. how'd i know , well he has this weird beat as his knock. i know weird, i opened the door to see him leaning against the door frame

"c'mon nia its time to go, everybody in the car but uss" he said 'acting'

"im coming dont pee in your diaper old man" i yelled while fixing my hair

"Ha Ha Ha gramaw" he sarcastically yakked with his mouth

then i looked at him with my eyes slit and my lips pursed together

"did i hurt your feelings" he asked fakley being sincear

"no but call me a grannie one more time and you will be missing some body parts the next time you awaken" i smirked

then he covered his pants and we walked to the limo

♥In The Limo♥

i was thinking about how kait was going to react and how IM going to tell her, but i realized someone was calling my name and another was waving a hand infront of mii face... then i snapped back into reality

"whats on ya mind girl" kait asked

" (sigh) just its my problem" i mumbled

finally we pulled up to the place where we are doing our photoshoot.. it was beautiful (it's over ther---->) http://www.dreamstime.com/beautiful-homes-series-thumb2956115.jpg

"lets get this over with" i said as i sighed once more and we walked up the driveway , then knocked on the door

a girl that looked way too perky and happy & looks like this ------> http://t0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcR9q4YmtbGcpfkgrCw1wA1pvt4aJar8wXwCVLWdk8O2IWb4lxIqTXminlqv

and she dosent look perky but thats how she answerd the door... but i could tell she was wayyy to excited

???: hellooo, my name is tiffany but you can call me tiff and you guys

she pointed to us

tiff: get to mess up this beautiful house

the girl who iz tiff ..said

"wait repeat that please" i asked astonished of how pretty/AWESOME this house is

{skipping hours later}

as i was about to open the door i heard talking an giggles ... good to know the girls are getting along

"were homeee" i said flipping onto the couch

"owwww " evie,alex, and kait screetched in unison

"mii bahd gurlys" i said ajudusting my comfortability if thats even a word?

"so wheres tay"

"oh she left after you guys left out she had to go back home cause her momma was trippin'  "

"ohhhh" me and the boys retorted

"who's tay?" Alex curiously asked with her head on head on kait

"a girl we saw at the beach that Jacob was cheating on me with, but she didn't know we went out so i invited her to stay with us for a while" i said with my run-on sentences

"and now im going to take a showerr, wash me hair, and take a nap " i said walking to me and rays room

... strange where's ariyan? oh well!

so i took a nice soothing shower and let the warm-hot water run through my hair onto my back ughhh if i didn't think i would end up like my grandma then i could stay in here forever!!!!!!!

but i got out anyway and put my clothes on and hopped into me and ray's bed.. yup we no longer have bunk beds Walter thought we were too old for them, but if you ask me i. don't.think.soo

so i hopped in bed and as soon as i was drifting to sleep i felt the sheets lift up and a body get on top of me

"what in the H.E.DOUBLE HOCKEY STICKS. DO YOU THINK YOUR DOING"  i said annoyed with my eyes still shut

then the figure started to kiss me down my neck and their cold but soft hands drifted under my shirt

i finally opened my eyes to see rayray kissing my stomach then working his way back up to my lips then he finally looked at me and stared into my soul then said..

"nia i want you"

"want me to do what" i asked acting stupid cause i was not in the mood for him to be harassing me

"i want you to be my.. i want us to be each others first "he strongly said breathing hard

"ray.. i really don't want to go through this again" i said still annoyed

"why not nia you know you still love me " he said and i could tell he was mad

"lemme give you the reasons why... 1. were too young , 2. we don't go together 3. i don't want to be a slut ,OK so lets just drop it "

"why would you be a slut ?"

"because i don't know who i love anymore one minute its you , the next its prodigy or Jacob and I'm.. i-i refuse to be a slut that is the last thing on earth someone will call me "

"I STILL LOVE YOU NIA!!!!!! "he yelled in my face while tears fell down his cheek and he opened the door to our room then left out the apartment

i put on my bunny slippers and ran after him barley able to see for the waterworks coming out my eyes.. he was blurry but i could tell he went out to the back and up to the roof cause that's where he goes to think..........

i see him sitting on the bench we engraved our names in the first day i came, i walked over to him and sat down after remembering

 sorry if its short but i have the other half and another chapter to make up my absence to ya tommorow

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