Shopping with Kylie & Kendall

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Kylie: Kendall, Kelsey! (Shaking us both) Wake up! You guys promised to come with me on my shopping spree for my upcoming photo shoot!

Kendall: Five more minutes! No one is up at this time! (Yawning and covering her face with her pillow)

Kylie: Ok fine. But me and Kelsey will get up in the meantime and get ready to go whilst you get your few extra Z's... Right, Kell?

Me (Kelsey) : (getting up and already applying my manly-makeup) Yeah! Sure Kylie, let me just take a quick shower.

*Kendall and Kylie get themselves ready for the outing in gorgeous clothes... whilst I, on the other hand, put on my security outfit and dress like a man*

Me (Kelsey // in my head// ): You may be wondering why I dressed myself like this but there's a simple reason: I act as Kendall and Kylie's bodyguard – that way I still get to have a taste of their fame-filled lives without all the paparazzi asking for autographs and pictures... I'm not important – don't worry about me, I'll be fine!

Kylie: You ready, girls? And boy! (Winking with a friendly smile whilst heading out of the house)

*As soon as we all left, the cameras started snapping away and the flashing was unbearable but we gave the loyal fans what they wanted for the five minutes we had to spare*

Me (Kelsey) : Alright, alright (clears out feminine voice and puts on a manly one) we really must be leaving now, thank you for all the support, bye-bye!

Crowd: We love you Kylie and Kendall! (The cheering faded away once we were out of sight)

Me: (Kelsey // in my head //) I wish they knew my name for a change... (Sighs and then composes myself by taking a deep breath in) Really, you do this every day, Kell! Nothing to be worried about! You're not jealous! Haha, really, you're not! (I pulled a strange face)

Kendall: Everything ok, Kell?

Kylie: Yeah, you seem to be a little quiet...?

Me (Kelsey) : Yeah, totally! I'm fine – you know me just doing one of my jobs! (Smiling worriedly)

Me (Kelsey //in my head//): When they ask you how you are and you just have to say that you're fine when you're not really fine but you just can't get into it because they would never understand.

p.sI know Kim Kardashian did not say this it was Katy Perry xx    

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