You Would Make a Terrible Kisser

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"Killua, wake up! I made breakfast!" Gon cheered, shaking my shoulder. 

"Oh... thanks Gon. Gon... GON?" I thought I had stopped the rewind. But I hadn't. Does that mean that I made the wrong choice? Was Gon not supposed to go see his dad? I entered a temporary state of shock, resulting in a laugh from Gon.

"I'm going to give you a bit to wake up. I'll be in the kitchen." he patted my head and skipped into the kitchen. 

I rubbed my eyes. My head buzzed with random ideas. Did I need to die or something to get out of this loop? My life was becoming agony, having to say goodbye to my best friend and extreme crush every day. Am I supposed to confess to Gon? What am I supposed to do? I needed something to help me. 

I needed Something to help me. 

With my idea, I bounded out of the bed, down the hallway, and into Alluka's bedroom. It was brightly decorated: a light pink wallpaper with tons of stuffed animals scattered around the floor. I had to dodge a few bears in order to reach her bear. 

"Hey, hey, Alluka?" I asked, rubbing her shoulder gently. 

"Big Brother?" She yawned, fixing her hair and sitting up. "What is it?"

"I'm really sorry but I need to ask Nanika to come out." 

Alluka blinked, but when her eyes opened, they were the black voids belonging to Nanika."Yes, Killua?" 

"I wish for an answer to a very important question."

Nanika said nothing. Her blank stare bled into my eyes as an omen for negativity. No wonder Nanika wasn't liked. Even I, who can pull a heart out and hold it in my hand, is disturbed by the voids in her eyes. 

"What do I do to escape this loop? I'm reliving today every day for four days now. What do I do to get out?"  I begged, my hands tense with worry. 

"You will have to confess, Killua." She smiled, almost a cheeky smirk.

"B-b-but... what if I never can?"

"Then you will never leave." Nanika's eyes closed, opening up to reveal the light blue orbs belonging to Alluka.

"Was that enough, Big Brother?" Alluka smiled. "Anything else I can do for you?"

"Can you... can.... can you read me one of your fairy tales?" I laughed, blushing scarlet and rubbing the back of my head. 

"Umm, okay?" She giggled, hopping out of bed and treading over to the wooden dollhouse-shaped bookshelf I built her. "You seem like the feminine type.... what about..---"

"WAIT, WHAT?!" I blushed and physically curled into a ball. "I-I-I-I'M NOT THE F-F-FEMININE TYPE! I d-d-don't think. A-a-am I?"

"Of course you are. I'm surprised you haven't noticed yet."

"B-b-but.." I was trying to think of any excuse. I don't know why I found that so embarrassing, but I had always imagined the pure ball of purity that is Gon to be the more feminine out of the two of us. "I have an eight pack!"

"Girls can have eight packs too, baka. You can have abs or foundation bottles, ne?" She laughed and pulled out a small book titled "How to Catch Your Prince: A Bebie Princess How-To Book". 

"I'm not basing my confession off of THAT." I pointed to the visually abhorrent book, covered in pink sparkles and bright stickers. I'm surprised people hadn't had seizures because of that book's cover. 

"Well, what else are you going to do? Gon's waiting for you in the kitchen and we need to learn something FAST."

I blushed and continued to roll around in my personal hamster ball. 

"Alright, page one."

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