The Echoes of his Footsteps

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Sorry fellow fangirls
This is it.

"Killua, wake up! I made breakfast!" A familiar voice laughed as I felt a sharp shake on my shoulder. I peeped one eye open, looked to see Alluka, but it wasn't her.

"Good morning, Gon." I sighed scooting away from him slowly as if avoiding the plague or the small scooch you do at the movies when a person you don't know sits next to you.

"I made eggs benedict! Are you hungry?" He beamed, ticking his head to the side with an air of accomplishment. Gon laughed, snatching my hand and pulling me out of the bed.

However, I let go of hand. "Sorry, Gon. I'm... not hungry. I'll be out in a few minutes." I glanced the opposite direction subtly.

"Sure. I'll reheat yours when you're ready." Gon seemed to look a little perplexed at my actions but skipped out the door his usually happy self. "Killua, we'll leave for the tree around 3:00, okay?"

I sighed, looking around and tried to gather my thoughts. Why was I being like this? I know from other experiences I should treasure things like this- but I'm just too in shock he's leaving do anything rational. "Where is Alluka?!" I muttered to myself. Walking out of the bedroom, we trailed into the kitchen. The question popped into my mind when I realized Alluka wasn't on the couch where she fell asleep last night.

"Asleep." Gon looked very confused, as was I. The night before, she was in the second bedroom, and she woke up around ten.

"What time is it?" I was just throwing out questions, as confused as a blind duck.

"Almost ten. What does that mean?" Gon passed me a plate.

"Alluka is going to wake up soon."

"How do you know that? She was up late last night watching the movie with you and me."

"She woke up yesterday around this--"

At that moment, Alluka emerged from her bedroom rubbing her eyes with sleep. She dragged her blanket behind her and slumped her back in a tired arch. "Hello, Big Brother. Hi Gon!" She moaned. "Something smells really good in here."

"ALLUKA, I'M GOING INSANE." I spout, questioning everything I had done in the past 24 hours. Alluka had burned her hand on the pan, I found a handkerchief under a couch cushion, Gon decided to go take a shower, then I helped Gon pack his bags in his hotel not to far from here.

"I don't think you're going ins---OUCH!" Her finger had touched the pan. I rushed over to the couch.

"Why the couch?"

"There's a handkerchief under this cushion." I replied, finding it seconds after sticking my hand in and pulled it out.

"That's... impressive?" Gon questioned as I sprinted over to wet it and aid Luka's hand. "Okay, I'll just go and quickly take a"

"SHOWER?" I screamed, realizing I'm probably going insane. I pointed at his face like a maniac and jumped around, appearing as mad as a Hatter. I started to hyperventilate a small bit. I felt my head start to spin for lack of a steady oxygen flow, but ignored it.

"Umm, yes. Okay. I'm going now.. bye....?" Gon snuck out of the room but I could hear him sprinting to the bathroom.

The second I got in reach of her ear, I whispered, "Why is Gon here?"

She looked at me as if I had a third eye and antlers and responded, "Because you asked him to?"

"Yesterday, you were there! You were there when Gon left! You ran after him, didn't you?!"

"I think you have gone insane, Big Brother!" Alluka laughed, as if I was making a joke out of the matter. I felt a sudden surge of fear and dropped to my knees.

So this is what a panic attack feels like. Lovely.

"Big Brother?!" Alluka looked down at me being an utter mess.

I moved my mouth but since I was breathing so heavily, no noise came out.

"BIG BROTHER?!" She shouted, she shook my arm, but I could barely feel it. I felt the feeling as if I was about to pass out.

And then and there. I did.

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