Ch. 1

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The 40 Year Old Virgin played in the background as my thoughts took over. I needed something to occupy my mind, but literally everything revolved around sex. The only cure I could come up with was to study. And I was doing everything but.

Kendall was blowing my phone up per usual. He was supposedly my boyfriend, but I was getting bored. The jealousy bit was officially old and in the nursing home. Working at Hooters caused all kinds of chaos in our already rocky relationship. Having brothers in the spotlight made it no better. Luke and Lord constantly showed me off and praised me to the masses. Every time I had a shoot or even the smallest accomplishment they posted about it like proud parents. Kendall, however, wanted me to stay behind the scenes like most baller girlfriends. He believed that the only time I should get attention is when he decides to take me out. But that never really happened because he was jealous. He didn't want anyone to even look at me.

He went as far as to show up at my old job and raise hell about my uniform. It was so bad that they had to fire me since I declined to press charges. When my bank account felt that hit, he felt my wrath. I went to his job and filed a complaint on him and called his mother. He was lucky that that's all I felt like doing because my active mind was telling me to melt his jewelry down and sell his Jordans. Believe me, I had the torch ready.

"Why are you ignoring my calls?" I stared at the whining man in front of me. My exam was in two hours and here he was here with the bullshit.

"I know you see these books in front of me." I snapped. He chuckled a bit before sitting next to me. I moved my chair over so his dropped away from me.

"I figured you were with your little celebrity friends." He spat, fiddling with my pens.

That was always a sore point with us. Between Luke being a musician and Lord playing football, I had more celebrities following me than a normal college girl. Luke and Lord's industry friends loved to like and comment on my posts. The ones that were closer actually posted pictures with me. Kendall couldn't stand that I hung out with the people he dreamed of interacting with, it triggered something worse than jealousy in him. I used to bring him around, but after he tried to fight Lil Bibby for giving me a hug, I was done. I wasn't getting shot over him acting stupid. He was lucky Bibby thought the whole situation was funny. Besides, I'm too cute to be on an airbrushed t-shirt.

"You mean my brothers?" I frowned.

"Yeah." He rolled his eyes. And just like that, I snapped.

"You know what," I slammed my book closed and began to pack my stuff. "I'm so sick and tired of you whining about my brothers being around. That's my family you're talking about. I can't help that they are famous and you're not. I'm not responsible for your insecurities. It's not my fault that you didn't believe that I wanted you for you. If I didn't, I would have left you at the draft like your father said I would. As a matter of fact, call him and ask him who's more successful now! Tell him how my little celebrity friends tried to help you out, but you wanted to be jealous! "

"I didn't mean it like -"

"You said what you meant. Don't call me anymore and tell Vanessa that girl's trip is off." I shouldered past him, still putting my things away.

He was truly a dumb bitch if he thought I was going to allow him to play me. I never gave him a reason to feel so insecure that he wanted to cheat. See, I was waiting until the girl's trip to confront Vanessa about sleeping with Kendall. I wasn't going to hit her because I knew about the pregnancy she's been hiding from me. What I wanted to know was the father Kendall or Winston. Maybe it was someone else.

All I knew was that I found a video of Kendall, Vanessa, and Winston having a threesome in Kendall's apartment. Both of which went into her club with heavy artillery. Letting off round after round, I wouldn't be surprised if their kids were still playing bumper cars with her walls.

Believe me, I watched the whole thing. The worst part? He was using the video as porn and didn't even close the tab before he went to shower. He did, however, close his computer before he left. He just forgot that it was still up when he asked me to submit a paper for him.

I had been sitting on that information for two months. To make matters worse, the pair didn't even notice that I had started to pull back. Literally the only time I interacted with them was when they came around. I had even snuck and deleted pictures of us together, changed my relationship status on Facebook, and upped my number of personal pictures.

The most I got was a few extra likes, comments, and more emails about work. But hey, that meant more money for me.

"Hi, I'm here for LeShaun." A tall boy spoke. He was clearly young and still in high school. He was cute though, with his curly hair and braces.

"That's me!" I chirped. "What can I do for you?"

"Uh, I was wondering if I could get a picture with you." He mumbled awkwardly. I smiled and nodded.

Taking pictures was a common occurrence. Usually, people would ask their favorites for pictures or autographs. I was on last year's calendar, so I knew I was the source of a few wet dreams.

"Izaiah Johnson." He mumbled at my jersey.

"Second favorite besides Lord James." I represented for my brother.

"Zay is my cousin." The boy spoke. "You don't remember me, do you?"

After studying his face, my brain instantly recognized the mischievous glint. "My little boyfriend!"

Izaiah's little cousin, Bryce, was his shadow. He had the biggest crush on me and made sure everyone knew. The little ten year old was bold, kissing my hand and bringing me Skittles every time Iz would let him come. He even asked Luke for permission to marry me whenever he got taller.

"You still like Skittles?" He asked, pulling out a bag, making me laugh.

"Of course I do!" I immediately took them from him. "How is Iz? Is he still with Shayla?"

"Nope. They broke up a few days ago. Go watch her channel." He mimicked her dry voice. I held back my laugh as he rolled his eyes. "I told him I'd let him have you, I guess he couldn't fill my shoes."

"Still quite the charmer." I smiled at his blush.

"My girlfriend thinks so, too." He smirked slyly.

"Girlfriend?" I gasped. "I need to meet my sister wife."

"I'll bring her by one day." He offered. "Bring daddy some wings."

"Bye Bryce." I chuckled. "Tell Iz that my number is still the same."

He nodded and went back to his starstruck friends. I winked at them, making them freak out.

Seeing Bryce had me in the mood to reminisce. He tagged me in a collage of me kissing his cheek as a kid and the boomerang of our meeting from earlier. The comment was: reunited with my wife @LeShaunJames, look @whatIzay.

I laughed and commented; good seeing you😘. My phone immediately blew up with likes and comment notifications. But one stood out the most, Izaiah. A simple comment containing the smirking emoji and a yellow heart was enough to keep my attention.

I wonder what he's doing?

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