Chapter 6

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I know school was actually cancelled for a day,but lets just say its a couple weeks. sorry

After the League of Villains attack at USJ, school was cancelled for a two weeks. During the first week I stayed at Hizashi's house, and had some interesting experiences, but that's a story for a different time. Anyways, I also managed to go to the arcade with a group of friends from school. During the trip to the arcade I explained that I was Aizawa's adopted daughter. thankfully they were all fine with it.

About a week after the attack, my dad was released from the hospital and returned home, and he was pretty happy about that. I, on the other hand, was pretty sad about his condition, but was a little happy since now I could make very simple dinners because of his arms and face. A week later it was time to go to school, so I did what every normal kid did and went to school. When I got to school I went into my classroom and sat down next to Deku.

"Aizawa-san I'm glad to see you healed your face." He said looking over to me. "Thanks, and remember what I said to you guys? I said to call me Y/n." "But--" "No but's, its Y/n." "Okay then Y/n." "Hey, did you guys watch the news last night?" Hagakure asked. "Yeah." "Did you see how everyone in this class was on-screen for just a second? I didn't stand out at all..." She said slouching a bit. "Thats true." "Well it's kinda hard to stand out when you just wore gloves huh?" Ojiro said trying to cheer her up. "But man, all the channels made a big deal out of it." Kaminari said leaning back towards Kirishima. "I was surprised!" He responded leaning forward a bit. "Can you blame them? The hero course that keeps pumping out pro heroes was attacked." Jiro said playing with her ears. "Who knows what would've happened if the teachers hadn't come when they did." Sero said from besides me. "Stop that, Sero!!" Mineta said crying, "Just thinking about that makes me wet my self!" He said crying even more but right when he went to speak again Bakugo snapped. "Shut Up! Be quiet, scumbag!" "But man, All Might was great. He pushed back those crazy strong villains." I heard Sado say. "Yeah, his strength is worth wondering at." Tokoyami said nodding. Suddenly Lida came running into the room. "Everyone! Morning homeroom is about to start! Stop talking and take your seats!" He said putting his arms out. "Were already in our seats Lida-kun." I said. "Your the only one who isn't." Kirishima finished for me. He then sat down in his chair angrily and starting cursing under his breath. "Don't worry about it!" Uraraka said smiling, and I swear you could see a flower come out of her when she said that. But then Ashido called my name from where she was sitting.

"Hey Y/n, do you know who is gonna be subbing for homeroom today? Since your dad is injured and all." I thought about it for a second, then remembered yesterday my dad said he was gonna teach today. I got angry at him for doing that instead of resting so I've been giving him the silent treatment since. Right as I was going to tell her that, my dad slowly walked in the room. "Morning..." He mumbled. "What are you doing here!? Thats almost too pro to be back so soon!" Kaminari said almost standing up. "My well being does not matter to you, well most of you. And I'm here only to tell you that the fight has only just begun." He said after he was in the front of the class. "Fight..?" I heard Bakugo say, Of course that would get his attention. "Begun? Is it the League of Villains?" Midoriya said panicking. "No. I'm here to inform you all that in two weeks it's the Yuuei Sports festival." He said in his usual bored and tired voice.

"A SPORTS FESTIVAL?!" Almost the whole class yelled. "I keep forgetting this is an actual school..." Someone said quietly, but I still heard, which made me smile a bit. Suddenly Mineta stood up and spoke, "Wait, hold up! That sounds like something villains would try to infiltrate...Isn't it? Will it be all right?" He said with more tears of fear going down his face. "On the contrary. Since we're going ahead with the festival, it means the school is confident it has all its ducks in a row when it comes to crisis control. I hear police presence will be five times more than it was last year. What you should be thinking about instead is...what as huge chance the academy's sports festival presents to you all." My dad said after I smacked the back of Mineta's head to make him shut up. "This isn't some event that'll be brought to a halt by the likes of villains." He continued, but Mineta just decided to keep on talking. "No, if villains do appear, can we halt it please? It's just a sports festival." He said in a shaky voice. "Mineta, have you never seen the Yuuei sports festival?!" Midoriya said turning around to face him. "Of course I have! Thats not at all--" But my dad seemed to have enough. he raised his voice slightly, interrupting what Mineta was saying. "Our sports festival is one of Japan's greatest events! In days past, the 'Olympics' was the sports festivity that whipped all the nation into a froth of enthusiasm! But now, as you know, the extent and population have shrunk and it's lost a lot of substance. So what has taken the place of the Olympics is the Yuuei sports festival." "The country's top heroes are sure to be watching us! It's because they'll be scouting for us!" Momo said. "I'm thinking I might follow the tactic of going sidekick for a Pro Hero's squad after graduating!" I heard Kaminari say. "But there are loads of people who get stuck as side-kicks forever and miss their chance to break out as solo heroes." Jiro said. "And you seem like just that kind of dumb-ass, Kaminari" I said with a smile and my arms behind my head. "Ah! Your so mean Y/n!" He said pouting. "Naturally, entering the squad of a famous hero will get you higher status and more experience." My dad started, "Remember, time is limited. If you get noticed by a pro, that gives you the standing for a brighter future than otherwise. This is the chance you'll only get once a year, for a total of three chances. If you aim to be a hero, this is an event you can't overlook....homeroom dismissed."

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