1.1 | unforgettable eyes

Start from the beginning

I shook my head as I greeted a grinning James. "I would date you if I didn't prefer men." He whispered in my ear as if we were children. "Honoured." I replied sarcastically as I linked our arms. "C'Mon. I need to make sure no one does anything stu- where's Sirius?!" We looked at each other and groaned. "Let's go."

Music was blaring from enchanted speakers, and streamers hung from the ceiling of the usually old looking room. A long table was set to one side, carrying snacks that reappeared when the platters were empty, and self filling butterbeer cups, most likely spiked.

James and I found Sirius by two red head twins, who gave him a bottle of alcohol. "Sirius!" I hissed. He jumped and hid it behind his back. "I'm innocent!" He cried. "I'm sure. Give me the alcohol." He sighed and passed me the bottle of tequila. I popped open the lid and took a swig, relishing the burn. "What? Good tequila shouldn't go to waste." I defended as I gave the bottle to James. "You are so cool!" The twins said excitedly. "I'm Gideon, this is Fabian." One said, taking my hand and planting a soft kiss on it. "Rosie Evans." I replied, blushing slightly. "Wait, are you the one who completely destroyed Lily Evans?!" Fabian asked with a grin. "Yeah, I guess you could say that. She got suspended and had to do some serious housework." They both grinned wickedly. "I think we'll get along just fine, Rosie Posey." "You guys are not the first to call me that."

I had fun with the twins, James and Sirius. I could see Emma and her crush making out in a corner, and Kylie was dancing with that Hufflepuff bloke. At one point, Lillian walked tipsily over to us and put her had on James' shoulder, who had made sure to not get drunk so he didn't blurt his little secret. "I know you want me." She whispered, trying to be seductive, when in reality she sounded like a strangled cat. "Yeah, you're right." She smirked triumphantly. "I want you to get away, you fucking slut." She glared at Sirius, Gideon, Fabian and I because we were laughing, and she stormed away, something she has taken a liking to.

"Sev!" I called, my voice crackling a bit from the tequila and firewhiskey that I got from Gideon. "Hey Rosie!" He got away from the girls who were pushing their tiny boobs in his face, and said hello to Sirius and the twins, as well as James. "Who did you come with?" I asked as I gave him a shot of tequila. "I came with Belladonna McNair. She's by her friends right know, but she's really cool." "I think I've fucked her before!" Sirius slurred drunkenly. "Thanks. Because I SO needed that image." Sev and I said sarcastically. "Your welcome." I swatted his head, and he complained as he rubbed it. "I think you better get to Belladonna. She's waving you over." James said after a silence. "Thanks Potter." "No problem Snape." "Nope! James, say "thank you Severus", and Sev, say "thank you James". Now!" They complied quickly and Sev left, sweeping his date into a dance. "He looks so happy." I whispered to James. "Yeah, you're right. That idiotic smile means he likes her. I've never seen him smile like that." James commented. "Yeah. All I want for Sev is to be happy. He didn't have a happy childhood, you know. I want him to have a happy life, with a wife, and kids. I want him to see his grandkids, and I want him to be a Potions master, maybe work at Hogwarts. We all know we need a better teacher then Slughorn." As I was rambling on, James was staring at something. When I looked his way, I saw him staring at a blonde whom I recognised as Lucius Malfoy. "James?" "Yeah?" He replied absentmindedly. "Do you have a crush on Lucius Malfoy?" The snapped his face to mine and stared at me in shock before sighing. "Is it that obvious?" "Yes. And guess what?" "What?" He asked oblivious to the blonde making his way through the parting crowds effortlessly. "He's coming this way." His eyes widened. "Please tell me you are joking!" He whispered frantically. "Nope. Now ruffle your hair, and become my gorgeous, funny best friend." He turned around and came face to face with Lucius. "Heir Potter. May I have a word?" He asked. James nodded dumbly, then followed him out of the room, but not before whispering in my ear. "If I'm not back in five minutes, come look for me."

With James gone, and Sirius and the twins drunk out of their minds, (I couldn't really talk because I was buzzing with adrenaline as well), I stumbled through the throngs of dancing people. I ended up at the snack table, next to a crying girl being comforted by her friends. Me, being the drunk ass bitch I was, decided to ask what was wrong. "My date cheated on me." She replied miserably. "Did you slap him?" I asked as I popped a cake pop in my mouth. "No. I just ran away." She replied. I finished eating my cake pop, then sighed. "Girl, you better get off your sorry ass and go slap the shit out of him. What he did to you was really shitty, and my mind is buzzing so that's the best advice I got. Get off your ass and go slap him back to his mother's vagina." A determined look settled over her face. "You're right. He's not gonna get away from cheating on his bitch. Thank you!" She called as she and her friends pushed through the crowds.

I looked up at the clock and noticed it had been five minutes, so I walked out of the Great Hall in the same direction as James, and I was unprepared for what I saw next. "Malfoy get your hands off my best friend, unless he gave permission!" He raised a brow as in "bitch you really gonna mess with me?" and James looked mortified. "U-Um." "He gave permission." Lucius stated, annoyed that I had stopped their kissing. "Is this true, James?" He nodded and I went into full mother mode. "Okay, rule one. If this is a fling, un-hand him, because if you leave the pieces, it's my job to pick them back up, and I don't want to see him hurt." "It isn't a fling, I swear! I would never deliberately hurt him!" Lucius said, shocked that I would think that. "Good. Rule two. Use protection, because I am aware of this thing called male pregnancy, and to be honest I think I would feel more stress then James. He's only sixteen. Wait 'till end of seventh year. Rule three. If you become a couple, Malfoy, if James doesn't want to tell people, you have to respect that. Rule four. James better be walking in the morning or else. Um, yeah, I think that's it. Also, just go up to his' dorm because I'm pretty sure Sirius has his drunk ass passed out on the table, Remus is probably passed out in the common room already, and I don't know where Pettigrew is, but if I see him, I'll tell him to stay away." "Okay. Do I have your blessing mother?" James asked playfully. "A hundred percent. Now go." I smiled as I watched them disappear around the corner.

I went back in, head down, and suddenly, I bumped into something firm. I looked up to come eye to eye with grey eyes. "Sirius?" The boy laughed. "No, sorry. I think he is passed out on the table." He replied amusedly. I laughed a bit. "I knew he would be. I'm Rosie Evans." "Pleasure. I'm Regulus Black." I shook his outstretched hand and looked into his eyes once more. "Where's your date?" I asked curiously. "Oh. This other girl kissed ME but she though I cheated on her so she ran away, and then she came back and started screamed about how she was going to 'slap me back to my mothers vagina.'" I held my hand over my mouth to disguise the laughter. "It's not funny." He pouted. "No, what's funny, is that I met your date, and I was drunk out of my mind so I told her to get her sorry ass up and go slap you!" I was full blown laughing by the end, as so was he. "Thank you, for getting me bitch slapped." He said sarcastically, to which I winked and grinned. "Students! I must say, this night has been unforgettable, but sadly, it has to end. Goodnight everyone!" Most people started leaving in pairs. "I'd better go wake Sirius, Gideon and Fabian." He nodded. "Have a good night, Rosie." I stared into his grey eyes, a shade darker then Sirius' own. "You as well, Regulus." He bowed, then left, and as I pulled Sirius's drunk ass, and levitated Gideon and Fabian, all I could think about, were his unforgettable eyes.

Woohoo! Longest chapter yet!
Also, if you're wondering how I do the outfit pictures, I use Polyvore, which is a cool fashion app. I your interested in fashion and stuff, or even interior design, because it has that, I suggest checking it out. Bye!

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