Gallant Getaway

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Hilary is thrown onto a sleek, white-tiled flooring, rolling to the momentum of the thrust. She immediately jumps to her feet, spins around, and emits a thick surge of yellow energy with both hands ahead of her.

The blast slams into the glass wall a few feet away from her, disintegrating into harmless sparks on contact.

On the other side of the glass is Auston, who lifts his eyes from the attempted attack to the attacker. He has a wicked smile plastered on his face.

"Not even your pathetic powers can save you," he tells her in a muffled voice from her point of view. "What a shame."

Hilary bares her teeth and turns her hands into fists as she begins seeping and glowing with her yellow-coloured energy. "You are going to get it, Matthews...!"

"Yeah, sure." Auston apathetically flicks his hand at her. "Now don't mind me, I'm just gonna continue on grabbing the rest of your followers and have them join you." He then swiftly turns around and ambles into the darkness of the gray hallways beyond the glass, disappearing into the shadows.

Hilary stares ahead at the ominous hallway her captor just walked through. With a huff, she flicks her eyes behind her to observe the cell she is standing in:

It is square-shaped with glass walls; their perimeters are lined with a smooth, white wall and a strip of blue light near the bottom; the ceiling is high and white with circular lights radiating brightly on her.

Hilary crosses her arms and dips her head as a scowl overcomes her face. How do I get out of here? The wall must be some type of power negotiating mechanism since my powers did nothing to it. If I can't blast these walls down, how am I ever going to--?

"Why ya staring like that?" she hears Emily asking from behind her.

Hilary immediately whirls around, catching sight of her small sidekick. Her eyes fly open with glee. "EMILY!"

Emily holds her hands out from her sides. "Hilary!"

She rushes up to her and bends over, pulling her into a hug. "Wh-what are you doing here?" She pulls away from her, kneeling to her eye level. "How did you get in here?"

Emily throws an index finger in the air. "Like this!" She then whirls around and speeds through the wall, becoming invisible for a split second before reappearing on the other side of the glass. She darts through the glass again, disappearing then becoming visible by Hilary. "Don't forget: I'm fast AND invisible!"

Hilary knits her eyebrows in confusion. "But-but the walls appear to negate powers."

The defenseman scratches her head. "Hmmm, they work fine with my powers. Must be just for your powers." She shrugs.

"Huh..." She narrows her eyes. "So how can I get out?"

"How can you get...?" Emily's voice fades away as she peers behind her shoulder.

Standing on the other side of the glass are Jessica, Katie, Nicole, and Dru. The four spot Emily needing aid due to the stare she is giving them.

Dru reacts first, coolly whipping a sharp blade into the air. "I got it." She steps toward the wall and kneels. She then runs the tip of her blade against the wall, leaving behind a fine line in the shape of a doorway. She steps away from her work.

Katie pulls her rifle into view, aiming it at the centre of the lined doorway. "I'll remove it." She then pulls the trigger.


The bullet flies through the drawn doorway, crumbling it into millions of shards as it makes contact with it. The fragments and the bullets spew across the cell's tiling with clanks and shattering, halting at Hilary's and Emily's feet.

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