chapter 2, " but youre special "

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"Boarding flight 862 at terminal C, Boarding flight at 862 at terminal C" the flight attendant spoke over the loud speakers

"Welp that's us kiddo's" Elton let out with a sigh

I hated planes. Hated planes. Ever since 911 happened, it just makes me feel uzi and weird. Especially of all the terrorist attacks always happening

"You coming?" Jay turned his head looking at me

"Uh...yeah... where's Colby?" I questioned pulling a piece of hair out of my face that had fallen out of my messy ponytail

"He's right there" Jay pointed the opposite direction

"Did I miss it?" Colby came back out of breath like he just ran eleven miles

"No your good" Jay responded back

"Ok well let's go" Colby said while grabbing his bag

"Are you coming?" Colby questioned moving his bangs out of his face

"Why do you want to take me to LA anyway??" "Like I don't even fucking know you guys! For all I know you could gang bang me when we get back to where ever!" I snarled at Colby making him frustrated

"Sir are you boarding? The flight is taking off shortly" The flight attendant sighed out

"Yeah I'm just...listen we care because your too pretty to kill yourself! Ok? I know deep deep deep down inside of your frail body that you have a good personality and a great person!" He blurted out, squatting down while putting his hands on my knees, "Come on, Erin, nothing will happen on this plane. I get on planes left and right" Colby insisted while standing up

After Colby ranted about his little speech, I stood up and started boarding the plane

"Hey, I have your boarding pass!" Colby persuaded to say kind of laughing through his smirk

I glared back at him grabbing the pass out of his hand giving it to the lady. Giving her a small smile. Okay seat A19. Great all the way in the back. Also the worst part about planes is that you don't know who your sitting with. Since I had no bags I didn't have to fuss like others to try and put they're bags above or go through the bag check thing. I didn't know where Colby was, so I rose my head above the seat in front of me to see where he was, he was walking this way, towards me. Please don't tell me, Please don't tell me. Shit. He's sitting right next to me. Great. I'm sitting by the window, Colby in the middle, and Elton right by the isle

"Same seats isn't that great?" Colby asked, as I furrowed my brows.

I looked out the window seeing as we rose off the ground. And flighing high above the clouds. I watched as Colby and Elton put in some headphones and laid their heads backwards, falling asleep shortly. I don't hate Colby, he seems fairly nice, with his blue eyes, and emo-ish hair. He's just adorable. I propped my arm up on my arm rest, so I could put my head on my hand. I put my legs up on the seat so I could crawl up into a little ball, that has a broken inside


"Colby I really like you" I said biting my lip a little

"I mean I think your pretty cute too" He responded with while flickering his eyes between my eyes and lips

"Just kiss me already...daddy" I pleaded saying it seductively

As that Colby kissed me roughly, I put my hand on the back of his neck deeping the kiss. He lightly bit my bottom lip asking and pleading for entrance. I obligated. He moved his lips down to my neck sucking and kissing spots on my neck, until he found my sweet spot


"Erin!Erin! Wake up we just landed" Colby whispered yelled as he gently shook me awake. We started getting off the plane as Colby took his phone, and faced it to Brennen

"Oh ah! Look at my dad! Hoya! Fuck" Colby screamed while moaning making everybody look at him extremely weird

"You want some of this broter?" Brennen responded back. While saying it in a weird voice where he added e-r to it. As I got into a 07 Red Corolla, or actually we got in a red Corolla. I sat upfront with Colby, as Brennen, Jay, and Elton sat in the back. It was a 35 minute drive home. I started thinking about all of this, are they're others living with him? Is he gonna rape me and drug me while I'm sleeping? Why was he in Suicide Forest?

"Erin? Erin?" Brennen interrupted my thoughts

"Yeah what?" I replied while looking at Brennen

"So how old are you?" He questioned kind of licking his lips and smirking a tad

"Me? I'm eighteen and for you?" I asked back

"Me? I'm 22" He said replying back

"Ok and we are home!" Colby yelled making me jump

"You and you only live here?" I said astonished at the sight of my eyes

"No! Five other people live in here, plus two dogs Circa and Buddy!" He said kind of jumpy and happy, but also had a morning voice, almost no voice at all due to that he was sick, on our way home we dropped off Jay and Brennen.
As we entered the house and got our bags they're wasn't that many cars in the driveway. They're was only 3 cars. One was an Audi r8, and a car that I'm guessing was Elton because he unlocked it and grabbed something out of it. As we walked in I saw a girl sitting in the kitchen on her phone

"Sam! Colby' s home!" She yelled as a boy with blonde hair came flying down the stairs

"Ok so Colby I know you ju- wait did you bring a girl home?" He whispered the last part of the sentence quietly. Colby pulled him aside into the kitchen I heard a lot of "wow" and "Oh my god"

"Ok, hello Erin I'm Sam this is my girlfriend Katrina!" He said giving me a hug same as Katrina

"Well I'm gonna go unpack! You coming Erin? Colby made a hand motion gesturing me to come follow him. We walked up a little flight of stairs and down a long hallway. As soon as you walk in you see tons of different colored sticky notes

"Love the choice of wallpaper" I joked

"You can have the bed I'll take the couch!" He said handing me a pair of sweats and a blue-ish green-ish Take Chances shirt and on the back it said "Now or Never"

"No it's fine I'll have the couch you take the bed, I'm not the special anyways" I coughed out

"But you are special, I'll leave to change in the bathroom as you can change here" He smiled shutting the door to leave to the bathroom. Wow Cole is one heck of a guy



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