Taunts Through The Daily Prophet: Year 4

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"Well, I can certainly see why we're trying to keep them alive. Who wouldn't want pets that can burn, sting, and bite all at once?" Draco drawled.

Amisty couldn't help but admit that he had a point.

"Just because they're not very pretty, it doesn't mean they're not useful. Dragon blood's amazingly magical, but you wouldn't want a dragon for a pet, would you?" Hermione snapped.

'He kinda already has a pet dragon..." Amisty thought to herself, thinking about the glass dragon that had attacked her owl the year prior.

"Well, at least the skrewts are small," Ron shrugged as they headed back up to the castle for lunch.

"They are now, but once Hagrid's found out what they eat, I expect they'll be six feet long," Hermione shook her head, pinching the bridge of her nose.

"Well, that won't matter if they turn out to cure seasickness or something, will it?" Ron grinned.

"You know perfectly well I only said that to shut Malfoy up. As a matter of fact I think he's right. The best thing to do would be to stamp on the lot of them before they start attacking us all," Hermione countered.

They took their seats, piling up their plates, and Amisty stared as Hermione nearly inhaled her plate.

"Er -- is this the new stand on elf rights? You're going to make yourself puke instead?" Ron asked, staring at her as well.

"No. I just want to get to the library," Hermione replied around a mouthful of food.

"What? Hermione -- it's the first day back! We haven't even got homework yet!" Ron protested.

Hermione just shrugged, shoving more food into her mouth, leaping to her feet and throwing her bag over her shoulder before racing out of the Great Hall with a, "See you at dinner!"

And then there was Divination.

They headed up to the North Tower, being greeted by the scarlet circular room. Amisty sneezed as the scent of perfume wafted toward them.

Amisty, Harry, and Ron took their seats around the same circular table toward the back of the class. Lavender and Parvati were sitting very close to where Professor Trelawney would be.

Divination was their favorite subject, somehow.

Amisty hadn't bothered asking why. She knew it would only result in a never-ending speech about how wonderful Professor Trelawney was and how they were natural Tellers, or whatever they were called.

"Good day," Professor Trelawney emerged from the misty shadows, staring mournfully at Harry per usual. "You are preoccupied, my dear. My inner eye sees past your brave face to the troubled soul within. And I regret to say that your worries are not baseless. I see difficult times ahead for you, alas... most difficult... I fear the thing you dread will indeed come to pass... and perhaps sooner than you think..."

She swept dramatically past, taking a seat in a winged armchair in front of the fire, "My dears, it is time for us to consider the stars. The movements of the planets and the mysterious portents they reveal only to those who understand the steps of the celestial dance. Human destiny may be deciphered by the planetary rays, which intermingle..."

She continued on, her voice very mysterious but words very dull.

And, of course, she turned everyone's attention right to Harry, who wasn't paying any attention. He looked lost in thought, eyes glazed over slightly.

"Harry!" Ron hissed, poking him.

"What?" He straightened suddenly, looking around at the class in clear confusion.

"I was saying, my dear, that you were clearly born under the baleful influence of Saturn," Professor Trelawney repeated.

"Born under -- what, sorry?" He asked, blinking.

"Saturn, dear, the planet Saturn! I was saying that Saturn was surely in a position of power in the heavens at the moment of your birth... Your dark hair... your mean stature... tragic losses so young in life... I think I am right in saying, my dear, that you were born in midwinter?" She offered.

Mean stature... sure. He wasn't that short.

"No, I was born in July," Harry replied.

Amisty turned away, trying to quiet her laughter behind her hand.

They were given circular charts and had to find the placement of the planets at their moment of birth. A rather unfortunate task when you don't know when your birthday was.

She took note in asking her Dad about that later on.

Instead, she decided to do Hermione's birthday instead, even if she hated Divination she still liked Astrology and would probably appreciate a star chart... of sorts.

It was incredibly boring, they were constantly looking between the papers and timetables and measuring angles.

She was starting to wish she maybe had quit Divination as well. Arithmancy suddenly sounded a whole lot more appealing than this rubbish.

"I've got two Neptunes here, that can't be right, can it?" Harry asked, frowning at his paper.

"Aaaaah, when two Neptunes appear in the sky, it is a sure sign that a midget in glasses is being born, Harry..." Ron replied in a near perfect imitation of Professor Trelawney's voice.

Amisty snorted. Seamus and Dean, working a table away, laughed loudly, but they couldn't laugh loud enough to drown out Lavender's high-pitched squeals.

"Oh Professor, look! I think I've got an unaspected planet! Oooh, which one's that, Professor?" She asked excitedly.

"It is Uranus, my dear," Professor Trelawney replied after looking over her shoulder.

"Can I have a look at Uranus, too, Lavender?" Ron asked.

Amisty winced, Professor Trelawney had overheard him.

That was probably why she had assigned such a mass amount of homework.

"A detailed analysis of the way the planetary movements in the coming month will affect you, with reference to your personal chart. I want it ready to hand in next Monday, and no excuses!" She snapped at the end of class.

"Miserable old bat. That'll take all weekend, that will..." Ron grumbled as they headed down to the Great Hall for dinner.

"Lots of homework?" Hermione asked brightly. "Professor Vector didn't give us any at all!"

"Well, bully for Professor Vector," Ron replied bitterly.

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