Stay alive ❤️❤️

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POV: Keith
All that week lance ever came back. But Peter tormented for the rest of the week saying things like go kill yourself. Which now killing myself seened very appealing to me. Which I know is very bad but I couldn't help it.

But after a week of hell it is the weekend. I sat on my bed and put open a drawer and took out a knife. But before a relax there's something I have to do I go to the bathroom and lock the door.Why me I thought as pulled the knife across my forearm. The cut isn't deep but it stings i drop the knife into the sink. I look into the mirror I see a broken boy looking back with blood running down his arm. I start to cry as I wash and bandage my cut. Then I unlock the bathroom door then put the knife back in it's drawer then lay down on my bed and close my eyes.

POV: Lance
Time: two day later Keith isn't at the bus stop when I get there. I wonder where he is when the bus put up and I get on. I start to worried about Keith if he is sick if he's hurt if........ He's dead. I shake my head as someone sits next to me.

I turn around  its peter "You haven't been here for a while" he says. But I wasn't listening where's Keith I say what oh I guess that he did what I told him to do. And what would that been I said thought gritted teeth. I told him to kill himself Peter say. I sit in shock for a moment then puch Peter in the face and he yells I don't hear him I need to find him to make sure he's Ok. After school i will go to his house.

POV: Keith
I don't go to school on monday there is too many thing going on inside my head. I can't help but to thick made I should just kill myself I mean why not no will miss me. I have no family and no friends I don't know what I'm suppose to do. The world wouldn't if I died. I just lay on my bed just thinking when I hear footsteps outside my door I get up to look out my window. I could believe my eyes it was Lance with his beautiful face what I'm I thinking do I like Lance? But before I can think it over, there's a knock on the door it's Lance. What do I do he's going to kill me. So if he's just going to kill me then I will just kill myself I think as I walk over to the drawer my my knife in it. I oup it my hands start to tremble as I pick up my knife. I hear Lance banging at the door I go into the hallway as the door burst open and Lance comes in. I put the knife up to my chest. Lance sees me realizes what I'm about to do he shouts Keith don't I love you. What I think but it's too late the knife had plugged in and everything went black.  But before I do I think I need to stay alive for him.

POV: Lance
After school I go to Keith's apartment and knock on the door I heard someone behind it. But  no one answers that's weird what if he is hurt I start to knock harder. I pound on the door then I break it open. Keith is standing in the hallway with a knife against his chest.  No no no I think then I say "Keith don't I love you". But the knife had plugged in. He collapses on the floor I run to him and start to cry why Keith why I think. I put my head to his heart I can't believe it. His heart is beating. Then I look down at keith's bloody body and see that the knife is logged in his right side. Relief floods over me for just a second. Then my senses take over. I need to call an ambulance. I put out my and try to tape in the number with my blood covered hands. When I tell them the address and what hadden I hang up. And start to cry again I hate showing weakness but I can't help it. I need you I need you Keith I think as I put his body closer.    Blue and red light and keith's body being put into an ambulance. That is all I can remember of that horror of a night. But all I can think about as I sit in the hospital waiting room is Keith's face when I said love you. Shiro runs into the waiting room. He stop when he sees me why are you here he asks looking at me as if I was that rat that had just ran across his bedroom. I think and I can't come up with an excuse so i just said to see Keith. He looked as if I had just punched him why he basically yelled at me. So I tell him everything how when Keith and I were friend he told me he was gay and how when I told my parents that I am bi they rained down hell on me. And about my feeling for keith. I have no idea why I told him but I was so tired of hiding from everyone. He just sat there in scook of what I had just told him. Then to my utmost surprise Shrio hugs me. HE HUGS ME. Of all the things I wasn't expecting that he'd hugged me I am so confused. I have never had someone hug me before I mean there were vague memories but not like this like they actually cared.Time skip: 4 hoursThey wouldn't let me into Keith's room. He just got out of surgery and I told the lady at the front desk that I needed to see but she wouldn't let me see him. Shiro left to go home. My are probably going to kill when they reize I'm not home but I didn't care all want to do is to talk to Keith.POV: KeithI wake up in a room with white walls and..... The members come back to me the knife the darkness and- and Lance saying "I love you" this can't be real. I hear a voice in distene. "Are you going to be paying for the medical bill" then the pain so much my side burns. I cry out in pain then people turn one of them is a short girl with short and glasses. The other is lance. His eyes are filled with fear as he walks out of the room. The girl walks thoughts me."You more painkillers" she murmurs under her breath. As I drift off to sleepTime skip:1 hourI wake up in my hospital bed with of all people Lance sitting next to me. I look up at him in curiosity why is he here why does he care does he love. All these thing race through my mind while I look into his sad eyes trying to figure it out. His hand reaches thoughts mine I instinctively put my hand back from his. I see the hurt in his eyes as I put away."There is one thing I need to know. Do love me?" my words catch me by surprise as I say them."Yes" he says as closes his eyes and looks away. Suddenly he stands and thoughts the door."Wait" I say then my feelings take over "I love you" I can't believe I just said that. but it's words can't be taken back. He turns and I see the tears streaming down his face."You do?" he say he sounds like he's about to start crying."Please don't go" I say. It sound weak but he comes to sit next to me. I grab his hand. Lance I love I say as I push up on my pillows and press my lips against his. He so shocked he does move then he's hesitant he doesn't know want to do. "Go ahead" I say against his lips then he presses in me. Making everything around us doesn't matter it's just me and Lance.

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